You Never Know Where One Act of Obedience Will Lead

If you see this early enough today (May 12) pause a moment and pray for me, if you would.

I arrived last night in Washington, DC to work with the First Amendment Center in crafting some guidelines for public schools to deal with conflicts stemming from sexual orientation issues. They will be bringing together some of the top gay rights advocacy groups and conservative faith groups to see if we can find a way to help school districts deal with this difficult issue.

I never cease to be amazed at the ways in which God works. BridgeBuilders, came into existence 11 years ago all because Sara and I sensed some 21 years ago that he wanted us to put our children and public school and attend with them, looking to be a positive influence as they moved through it. The doors God has opened by that simple act of obedience continue to astound me. This one is no exception. Nor is it exceptional that today I feel as if I’ll be swimming in water that is far over my head and that in every way I am insufficient for the task. But isn’t that where his sufficiency gets to work best?

Of course, there is no guarantee we’ll get to any solutions today, but it amazes me that the conversation is taking place and that God has asked me to be part of it. It would be inappropriate for me to give more details than that, and I may not be able to talk in specific terms about the outcome. But today, I would appreciate your prayers that God’s wisdom and character would find expression in my life today. Thanks.

After this meeting I head downstate to meet with a variety of people. I’ll be at a home group in Haymarket tonight, have breakfast on Friday with the man who presided over Sara and my wedding and who has remained a dear friend and fellow-traveler for over 30 years, and meet with various groupings of believers in Norfolk and Richmond over the weekend. I’ll have to admit I am really looking forward to this weekend as I reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

10 thoughts on “You Never Know Where One Act of Obedience Will Lead”

  1. Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

    God’s grace and peace be to you

    Donna W.

  2. Thank you Wayne for dealing with a topic as important as this. My heart is definitely with you.

    At first glance it would seem the two sides do not have anything in common, but that is simply not the case. They have the love of Father in common and what better place to start than with that. No matter what we have done or could do, Father will always love us completely.

    I have some students in my classroom that are dealing with these issues in their own lives. I do not know if they know that I am against their practices, but I do know that they know I love them right where they are. There is nothing that they can do to stop me from choosing to love them and I feel that God is the same with us.

    Once again Wayne, thank you so much for confronting in a respectful way an issue as relevant as this one is for us today in our society.


  3. God will keep blessing you Wayne. If He put you in this, certainly he will give the wisdom to do that which he has called you to.

    I had to fight with myself long about sex orientation and today I can say God’s Love, mercy and His presenceare sufficient in my life. Just follow His voice once more Wayne.

    God already has blessed you and he will keep doing so..

  4. Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

    God’s grace and peace be to you

    Donna W.

  5. Thank you Wayne for dealing with a topic as important as this. My heart is definitely with you.

    At first glance it would seem the two sides do not have anything in common, but that is simply not the case. They have the love of Father in common and what better place to start than with that. No matter what we have done or could do, Father will always love us completely.

    I have some students in my classroom that are dealing with these issues in their own lives. I do not know if they know that I am against their practices, but I do know that they know I love them right where they are. There is nothing that they can do to stop me from choosing to love them and I feel that God is the same with us.

    Once again Wayne, thank you so much for confronting in a respectful way an issue as relevant as this one is for us today in our society.


  6. God will keep blessing you Wayne. If He put you in this, certainly he will give the wisdom to do that which he has called you to.

    I had to fight with myself long about sex orientation and today I can say God’s Love, mercy and His presenceare sufficient in my life. Just follow His voice once more Wayne.

    God already has blessed you and he will keep doing so..

  7. Tell the folks in Richmond I said HI!

    That is my hometown! I grew up in Glen Allen.



  8. Tell the folks in Richmond I said HI!

    That is my hometown! I grew up in Glen Allen.



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