The Shack Reader Survey

Can I ask for your help?

Windblown Media has been approached by a doctoral candidate at Regent University to help conduct a survey of readers to gauge the impact of this book on the population. The book has now reached its 43rd week at the top of the NY Times bestseller list and over 7 million copies are in print.

They are looking for a broad cross section of people to respond to this survey, so please feel free to post this request and the survey link on your blog or forums that you regularly participate in.

Here is their request: “As researchers, we would like to understand what you think of the best-selling novel by William Paul Young (Copyright 2008, Windblown Media). Your answers will be extremely helpful in helping us to understand the story’s influence and appeal.”

You can take the survey here.

Take a minute, and help them out, will you?

22 thoughts on “The Shack Reader Survey”

  1. Sending this to a friend of mine that has read the book. He loved the book.

    I have not had a chance to read it but I might at some point. Glad for its ‘success’. My definition of success is that people see the real heart of God for them.

  2. Sending this to a friend of mine that has read the book. He loved the book.

    I have not had a chance to read it but I might at some point. Glad for its ‘success’. My definition of success is that people see the real heart of God for them.

  3. I passed it on to others too. Curious, the survey check boxes seem backwards from other surveys I’ve done: Disagree on the left and Agree on the right. I was half way through when I noticed and had to go back and uncheck things. Make sure you look at it closely!

  4. I passed it on to others too. Curious, the survey check boxes seem backwards from other surveys I’ve done: Disagree on the left and Agree on the right. I was half way through when I noticed and had to go back and uncheck things. Make sure you look at it closely!

  5. Will the results of the survey be made available to us? And how long will this survey last? I’m glad that you updated the status of the Shack, I’ve been wondering how it’s doing. Thanks

  6. Please don’t make a film. The message of the book is too deep and to precious to destroy it in a shallow film. The hole story lives form imagination. The story needs time to seep throug the soul, thats not posible in 90min film. It needs the hours and days of reading.

  7. Will the results of the survey be made available to us? And how long will this survey last? I’m glad that you updated the status of the Shack, I’ve been wondering how it’s doing. Thanks

  8. Please don’t make a film. The message of the book is too deep and to precious to destroy it in a shallow film. The hole story lives form imagination. The story needs time to seep throug the soul, thats not posible in 90min film. It needs the hours and days of reading.

  9. You can put your email address at the bottom of the survey and they will send you the results. We’re going to be given a copy and I’m sure we’ll make some of the key revelations available on my blog here and probably at Windblown Media…

  10. Yes, please don’t make a film…It’s just not possible with such a book….We can see it in person one day anyway.

  11. You can put your email address at the bottom of the survey and they will send you the results. We’re going to be given a copy and I’m sure we’ll make some of the key revelations available on my blog here and probably at Windblown Media…

  12. Yes, please don’t make a film…It’s just not possible with such a book….We can see it in person one day anyway.

  13. IF God wants this thing to become a movie, he is going to work it out miraculously, if not, then He doesn’t want it to. No need for us to worry about whether or not it is the “right” thing or not.

  14. Wayne, yes, please post those results on your blog. I wasn’t too excited about giving some unknown entity my email address so I didn’t…

  15. IF God wants this thing to become a movie, he is going to work it out miraculously, if not, then He doesn’t want it to. No need for us to worry about whether or not it is the “right” thing or not.

  16. Wayne, yes, please post those results on your blog. I wasn’t too excited about giving some unknown entity my email address so I didn’t…

  17. My friend took the survey after I sent the link to him. He has allowed me to read his copy. I will check it out and take the survey if it is still available.

    I also agree that I may not want to put my email address on a site that I do not know the origin. I will see if my friend put his email address on it.

    I am looking forward to reading the book. I told my friend that I read the blog that informed us about this project. He absolutely loved the book. I’m sure I will.

  18. My friend took the survey after I sent the link to him. He has allowed me to read his copy. I will check it out and take the survey if it is still available.

    I also agree that I may not want to put my email address on a site that I do not know the origin. I will see if my friend put his email address on it.

    I am looking forward to reading the book. I told my friend that I read the blog that informed us about this project. He absolutely loved the book. I’m sure I will.

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