A few months ago a wonderful brother of mine, Dave Aldrich, a graphic artist from Massachusetts sent me the picture below that he had taken recently, embellished by a brief verse he had written. Seeing it on my desktop over the last few weeks has reminded me over and over again to push away from the things that scream for my attention and allow my thoughts and mind to focus on my Incredible Father, tell him how much he means to me and listen for anything that might be on his heart for me. Even if it is just a moment turning away from my computer when I’m in the office, a pause when I take the garbage can out to the street, or some quiet minutes in the car before I turn on the radio or CD, I have been wonderfully refreshed in my awareness of God’s presence.
It also reminds me to take those longer periods of hiking in the woods or sitting in the back yard with my Bible and being still enough to know that He is God! The busyness of this world and its endless chores just needs to be put aside now and then so that we can steal away to the quiet where God so simply and freely makes himself known.