Search Results for: Friends and friends of friends

People You Know Not Of

I love the way God connects people and that is not nearly so difficult as we all imagine. Over the last two days I’ve received two emails that illustrate that better than I can say it. The first is in response to a recent blog on When the Falseness of Religion Succumbs to the Reality of Relationship. Jason from Iowa wrote me to describe how he is moving from the falseness of religion to the reality of relationship in finding fellowship where he lives:

I really enjoyed reading your blog by the brother that stated, “Father said, ‘You know, the problem is that all along you’ve viewed the Scripture from the perspective of ‘must do’, ‘must perform’, ‘must make happen’. All along the Scripture has been intended to be viewed from the perspective of discovery of who I am and who you are and all that I have for you and intend to work in you but only in the context of relationship with me.’”

This reminds me of myself and how I approached God, but it also reminds me of how I used to approach relationships in general. I went out of my way to try and have relationship with other believers. I felt that if I used the right ingredients, then a great Christian relationship would be the result. However, that was just not the case. No matter what I did to try and orchestrate a great relationship for my wife and I with other believers, it simply did not turn out how I envisioned.

I remember writing you to complain about Christians that would rather read about relationship in the Bible than actually live it out. You gave me some advice that I was not ready to accept at that time. You told me something really crazy. You stated to simply trust Father and accept what He puts in front of you. That was the last thing I wanted to hear and so I did what any hardheaded knucklehead would do—I continued to try and orchestrate relationships with other couples. After a while, we finally had enough and burned out trying. We completely shut down over the summer as far as trying. We had had enough of trying to manufacture relationship.

I am so glad we burned out. It was the best thing that could have happened. It would have been better if we accepted your advice from the beginning, but at least we finally stopped trusting ourselves to create what we were longing for.

Once we stopped, God seemed to start. We are currently meeting every few weeks just to hang out at another couple’s home on Sunday afternoons into the evening. No agenda, and no pressure. If we want to go, we go. If not, then we simply won’t. They and another couple are the same way. It is not some fancy event. We are all trying to keep it as simple as possible. We are just enjoying each other’s company, including the kids. The chats are wonderful. We do not have to, but we find ourselves talking about God in so many different ways. It is truly refreshing. I do not know how long Father will keep us together, especially since they may be moving back to Michigan next summer, but it does not matter. Father knows what we need and He is able to provide it no matter what, even if it does not involve other Christian couples.

On a side note, I stand in awe how God works. I remember two summers ago reading an article you wrote on why house church isn’t the answer. It really opened my eyes. Then I started to correspond with you while you were in New Zealand. After several emails back and forth with you, I talked to my home fellowship about reading your articles and the email exchanges between us. Many of them have read some of your writings.

After a few weeks, we decided to see if you would come and visit with us in Iowa. You did and our fellowship has not been the same since, and that is a good thing. We got out of the let’s make more house churches mentality. We really saw how we were limiting what God wanted to do. I know you know all this but I am building up to what God is doing now.

This past summer, I received an email from someone that saw my email on your site. They had recently moved into the area where I live and wanted to get together. I met a couple of brothers and we hit it off. Then we met a few times over the summer, but nothing big. We were all so busy. Then this fall, one of the brothers and his family invited my family over for simple fellowship at his house. The other brother and his wife were there too. It was a blast. They stated a desire to get together every few weeks or so. However, they did not want it to be something that has to take place. If we needed to not be there for whatever reason, then that was perfectly OK. The opposite is true too. Our families have so much in common. We all love the Lord!

I still have my other friends too, Wayne, but for some reason God must have opened up this time for some whole family fellowship. Regardless of how long this will take place, I have truly seen that God does know what he is doing and that he knows best. The friendships that He has provided are better than any we could have manufactured. I also want to thank you because He definitely used you throughout this whole process—not only with advice, and friendship, but literally your website. It is awesome to see how he allowed you to touch all of our lives back here in Iowa. You were simply obedient to Father and the result is much fruit.

Then, today I got this:

I had been feeling rather desperate at times desiring to be involved in house churches but, not knowing of any… and thinking that there weren’t any going on in our area… kind of an Elijah complex… “I’m the only one” syndrome — he found out later that there are thousands. Well we found out that one fellowship, within walking distance of our house, had been going on for over a year. And just the other day, I found out that a man I work with has a house fellowship in his home. I just found out that the man that cuts my hair is a Christian and is involved in a house church… all this in a town of 39,000 people. The moral of the story is… I was way behind the Lord… and what He was doing… and I’m sure He is doing much more than I know. Isn’t Jesus just great!

I hope that encourages you who think you have to DO something to make fellowship happen. You only need to be responsive to him. He has more stuff going on than we can conceive, and he is really good at what he does. So, relax! Listen to him and follow him and in his time he will set you in his family just as he desires…

Well I’m off to Canada tomorrow and 5 days hanging out with some believers on Vancouver Island…

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Koinonia Killers

Our latest edition of The God Journey entitled Koinonia Killers has just been posted on our sister website

In this edition Brad and I discuss koinonia killers. Christian fellowship isn’t rocket science. People passionate about Jesus who get near each other find themselves sharing his life without much work at all… unless something gets in the way. And believe us, things can get in the way. We call those koinonia killers and Brad and Wayne not only discuss the kinds of things people can do that sabotage, even unwittingly, but also what others can do to turn those moments into doorways of growth instead of barriers to body life.

On a personal note, today is Sara’s birthday, so we’re celebrating that. The fires in Southern Cal are unbelievable and many have called to make sure we’re out of harm’s way. The big one is about 10 miles from us but moving away. We had one behind our development yesterday, but a quick response got it out in two hours. In addition to the podcast, I put up a new chapter in the Jake saga.

First thing tomorrow morning I head to Visalia, California to do a staff and elders retreat for a Mennonite fellowship there and then speak at their weekend services. Yes, this is a strange invitation for me, but I’m excited for the hungers I hear coming from those folks, and to be reacquainted with many of my friends from that region.

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A Weekend in Kalispell, Montana

I’m finishing up my weekend with some believers in and around the Kalispell, Montana area. This area is awesomely gorgeous, though it has rained three of my four days here. On the Friday, however, I got to go for a hike on a mountain above Flathead Lake with some old friends from the YWAM base near here. What a beautiful hike and we fouind a rock at the top fo the hill where we could look almost 300 degrees around at the lake and mountains and the landscape was as awe-inspiring as any I’ve seen. I love the mountains and forests, so this is like heaven to me.

I arrived here not ever having met the folks that invited me. We had corresponded a bit on the ‘net, but that was all. But in the plans to come up here, many others emailed me to find out where I was going to be and expressed surprise that there were others in the Flathead Valley thinking outside the box. God is definitely stirring a large number of people in this area and freeing them from religious boxes that have distracted them from knowing him.

What a weekend! We did nonstop yakking from Friday afternoon through Sunday evening sharing this incredible journey, affirming the things God’s been teaching his people and celebrating our unity in Christ. A couple of things really stand out from the time this weekend.

First, Father has already been speaking into our hearts the things he wants us to know. For many people here the things I shared weren’t brand new to them, but there were many ‘Ah! Hah!” moments where people recognized that the voice that had been whispering similar things to them all along, but they hadn’t really thought it was God’s voice because it ran so counter to the religious things they’d been taught all their lives. That is so fun! What God is doing to draw people to himself today is a work of the Spirit in the hearts of those who long for him, it is not a movement initiated or controlled by any author, speaker or organization. Leaving people freer to follow the Shepherd’s voice is the greatest joy of doing what I do.

Second, God is preparing people all around us to live more fully in his life. We may not know them yet, or know what God is doing in them, but it is easy to see how easy it would be for God to connect a few dots and we would see how incredibly whole and healthy his family is in the world. When people get together who are on the journey of knowing God more deeply and being transformed in his image, fellowship is so easy and so inspiring. I love the connections that happen in an area simply because people who’ve found their way to my website, get to meet others who live near them who hunger for similar things. Many who thought they were all alone in their passions, find they are not and that there are others around them with whom they can connect.

And as I was finishing this, Eugene Peterson returned my phone call of yesterday. He lives near here and we had met years ago at a small writer’s retreat that Leadership Journal hosted near Chicago. There were only a dozen of us that got to know each other over four days. Even so, I was shocked he remembered me. I just wanted to bless him and tell him how much I have appreciated his translation of the Scriptures and his other writings. Even though we are a few miles apart in how we view the Church, we are kindred spirits in the Father we love and the journey we have walked to live in him more deeply. He’s as genuine a human being as I have ever met and it was icing on the cake to have a chance to reconnect with him today.

I’ve got a few more folks to visit with today and then have a late afternoon departure to head home. I get in pretty late tonight, but there is nothing like the trip home! I always love getting home to Sara and those crazy pups of ours!

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Find Someone to Encourage Today

I got an email this weekend while I was traveling about Washington State from Adam, a 22-year-old who works with a campus ministry in Kentucky. I can’t tell you how much his words refreshed me personally and encouraged me to give my life afresh to what God has asked me to do. I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with you:

I stumbled across your site about a year-and-a-half ago, and my life hasn’t quite been the same since. Your article Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore is one of my favorite things to read in times of discouragement on the road to a different way of doing this thing we’ve so often cheated ourselves out of–the Church.

This email really doesn’t have much of a point, other than to say thank you. I read your articles and pass them on to friends, and my life is honestly better because of what you’ve written, but more importantly because of what you’ve done. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to check up on your site every so often and find that someone is actually doing this “dangerous” thing that so many claim can’t be done–living a healthy spiritual life in community outside of the institutional church. So, my prayers are continually with you, and I’ll be visiting your site, like always, as I search for guidance on my own journey. Here’s an honest “thank you.’

It amazes me how much strength and joy we can draw from a simple word of encouragement. Maybe that’s why the author of Hebrews told us to look for ways to encourage one another daily. Is there someone in your life who has had a profound impact on your own journey? Have you taken the time recently to tell them how much they have meant to you? You’ll never know how much they might gain from your simple words of affirmation from you. Why don’t you take some time and give them a call or write them an email today and let them know how Jesus has used them to touch and encourage you?

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It’s Flyday!

Sorry it’s been so quiet of late, but I’ve been on the road in the Seattle area for the past five days. I’ve been with a wide diversity of people and I wish I had time to tell you about it… But, I have to head for the airport in a few moments and have been in conversations with people almost nonstop. No time to write. Sorry! But I’ve met some fabulous folks at various stages of the journey, and now in the last couple of days with some old friends I have visited before.

Now it is home for two days and then I go again, but this time Sara goes with me, as do daughter Julie and granddaughter Aimee, so that will be fun. And I also understand the family will be over tonight. That’s why I love Flydays… I love getting back to those whom my heart loves so much. I wonder if dying some day will be like that. Just another Flyday to be near those my heart has loved so much. That would bee cool! Blessings on you all.

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Religion’s Antidote

Our latest edition of The God Journey entitled Religion’s Antidote has just been posted on our sister website

Why do passionate disciples of the Living God continue to get caught in the system of religious obligation? Because they have not understood that God has satisfied in himself all that he would ever require of us to have full and complete access to his presence. He did that in the cross of Jesus Christ, and if we understood the power of the cross, we would never fall victim again to the manipulations and appeals of religious obligation. In their latest podcast Brad and Wayne discuss what happened at the cross and how it frees us from the bondage of religion so that we can live together as Father’s family.

In the morning, I am off to Seattle and a weekend retreat there with a group from a nontraditional fellowship and then some time in the Tacoma and Port Orchard area with some old friends and some new ones…

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South African Adventure – Epilogue

I’ve been home for a few days now, trying to get my head back in my home time zone and trying to process the incredible experiences I had in South Africa. First of all, let me thank those of you who helped make this trip a reality—those who kept us in prayer and those who shared with us financially in the expenses and ministry of this trip. It was awesome in every way. I have posted some photos at if you want to view them.

On my last Friday in South Africa Phillip and Vicky took me to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. What an awesome experience. This is more than a museum—it actually invites you into the experience of what apartheid felt like for oppressed and oppressor alike and allowed you to experience the triumph of its end and a fresh new hope for a country that faces incredible challenges in transitioning to a democracy that all can participate in equally.

I was struck by a number of things there—how easy it is to justify, even in theological terms, what serves our own self-interest, the oppression on indigenous peoples that European civilization exported to the world, and courage it took for the disenfranchised to stand up at great personal cost and demand liberation for the oppressed. Everyone hails Nelson Mandela as a gift from God to help build a new South African society that includes all races. I am reading his autobiography to understand how this man could have suffered so much and come out with heart for reconciliation and not vengeance. It is great reading

As we drove away from the museum that day I was greatly encouraged by those who put the ideal of freedom above their own personal expedience. Mandela spent 27 of his prime years in prison for treason because he dared to try to overthrow the apartheid regime. Many more were imprisoned, persecuted even killed for challenging the status quo. I was reminded of the many people I’d met in South Africa who have struggled to leave the religious institutions that have become such a part of Christianity to seek a greater life and freedom in the reality of Jesus. Many felt the were alone and one man said leaving the institution he’d been part of for life was like ‘crucifying his mother’. Many of you reading this know what it is to suffer the rejection of family and friends, maybe even mentors to you in the faith because you felt you could no longer fit in with a system of religious obligation that you found lifeless and empty. It is those first few years that are most difficult, and, yes, it can be painful to experience disapproval and judgment by people you care deeply about.

But in the end, it is just disapproval and that is an incredibly small price to pay to find your way into the life of God. No one is putting us in prison. No one is killing us, torturing our children or burning our homes. As people remind me often, “Do you realize they were killing people only 400 years ago for writing the things I write?” Yes I do know.

If people can give up their own self-interest for freedom in this age, how much more can we lay ours down for the freedom that supercedes all other freedoms—life in Christ? I know it may be difficult for a season, but no one I’ve met who has broken free of the system of religious obligation and discovered the life of God beyond it, has had any regrets. The life deeply lived in him is worth any cost or risk in this age. Let us pursue him with firm resolve, laying aside any thing that entangles us and love him more deeply than anything else. Who knows? We may yet suffer again for doing so, but the wealth within easily overrides any pain without!”

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A South African Adventure V

We have reached the day of my departure. In a couple of hours I will be heading to the airport and the long flight home. I honestly can’t wait to reconnect with my family there. This has been an awesome trip and the last weekend in the Johannesburg and Pretoria area has been no exception. I have met so many believers hearing God say similar things about escaping the clutches of religious obligation to live in the life and freedom of Jesus. It is truly a call that has gone out over the whole world. We need to live to him a lone, and not be seduced into any system of man that seeks to replace his living presence with rituals, traditions and regulations.

Yesterday morning I met with a large group of Christians in Pretoria in a lovely home overlooking the national government buildings of South Africa. They had left the reformed church they had all grown up in some years before at God’s leading, even though they were misunderstood and rejected by close friends and family. They were seeking a place in the reality of God’s presence they had not found yet. They had a copy of an earlier incarnation of The Naked Church that had spurred them on from more than 15 years ago. When I came in they were in a large circle with pens and notebooks ready asking me to share with them how to live in the affection of the Father of all! I now know just a little bit what Peter felt when he showed up at the House of Cornelius. The four hours I had with them flew by and I could hardly pull myself away. What an awesome group of people, and I hope to cross paths with them again.

Then I spent my remaining hours with some out-of-the-box believers around Johannesburg. Last night we were in a coffee shop exploring the power of the cross. This morning we went on an hour and a half walk through the bush and then spent a few hours cooking breakfast on portable cookers and sharing our lives together. They do this ever few weeks as God leads and it was such an amazing expression of body life. Young people and unbelievers joined us as well because they just enjoy being together and sharing life. What a great way to hang out as the body! As excited as I ham to get home, I have been deeply touched by my many experiences here and the people I have met. May God lead them with his great grace into ever-deeper expressions of his love. I do hope to return someday. They have all said I must bring Sara when I do. Amen!

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A South African Adventure IV

In my first few days in Johannesburg I got to know a couple from Zimbabwe who had come down to meet me during my stay. They are an older couple, hot on the path of living out the life of Jesus and we enjoyed so much swapping stories and the things God has shown us in our journeys. They were such a joy to be with, especially given the dire circumstances where they live.

The revolution in Zimbabwe has been devastating. Now run by a dictator who bulldozes the homes of anyone who disagrees with him, the economy has collapsed. Crime is rampant and today the Zimbabwe dollar trades for $30,000.00 US and it costs more than a million dollars just to go get groceries and food is incredibly scarce. Over 90% of the white population has fled the country in recent years to find better conditions elsewhere.

They told me a story about a friend of theirs, a dentist that had moved to Australia some years earlier as the country was collapsing. After he was there a few years he felt God ask him, “Why are you here?” As he thought about the trouble in his home country and the better life he was able to make for his family in Australia. Then the Lord continue to speak to him. “You can live in a first-world country naturally but spiritually it is a third world country. Or you can live in a third-world country in the natural but in actuality is a first world country spiritually.” Within a few months he moved back to Zimbabwe where he remains today.

The courage and passion of people who are led by God to stay in a country so broken, when most of their friends have fled was inspiring to me. Pray for them and others throughout Zimbabwe who live in the midst of such incredible need yet continue to grow so deeply in the life of Jesus.

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The Real Older Brother

FRANKILIN, PA – There is nothing I love doing more than hanging out with folks for a few days sorting out the reality of what Father and Son did on the cross for us. We’re in an old castle on a hill in the woods of Western Pennsylvania that was built in the early 1900s by the man who invented kerosene. There’s just under 50 of us and we’ve had the whole week to refocus our life in God and to sort out what it means to live in his reality. It has been awesome. It always rekindles my passion to focus on these things.

This is a new group of folks for me. For forty years these people and their families have come together each summer to spend a week growing in some area of their spiritual life and fellowshipping together. They invited me to join them this week and share with them anything I felt led to share. What I love most is the questions people are asking both in sessions and at other times we’re just hanging around. The spiritual hunger is glorious, and the work Father is doing to free people into his life has been a joy to frolic in.

One of the things that has been fresh for me this week is thinking of the Parable of the Incredible Father (popularly known as The Prodigal Son.) We’ve looked at this parable with a different older brother. We not only looked at the Pharisee-son slaving on his father’s farm with anger and resentment that Jesus told about. We’ve also contemplated what this story would have been like with Jesus as the older brother. He is that, you know. He is the firstborn among many brothers and sisters who have been invited into his Father’s house.

If Jesus were the older brother in this story, how would he have felt about his younger brother? What might he have said to him when he reached rock bottom? How would he have made a way for this brother to come back home as a restored son and heir? That’s what Jesus did. Not only in his life here on earth, but continues to find us at our lowest, most broken moments, and invites us back to the Father’s house, where the table is set and the barbeque is blazing. It doesn’t take much imagination, because Jesus has already accomplished this in us who have found ourselves back home in the arms of a loving Father.

Well, gotta get back to the retreat as we finish up in the next twenty-four hours. Then it’s on to Youngstown, OH and some great friends there.

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