Today is drop day! A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation dropped this morning at retail outlets throughout the U.S. I’ve been living inside this book for nearly two years and it is such a relief to finally have it available in the world. We have had a group of advance readers already discussing it and I love what people are seeing in it and how it is beginning to change the way they interact with others. Some of the stories we are hearing are overwhelmingly beautiful. That’s what we hoped for. We didn’t write this book to change the politics in Washington, DC or the angry voices that fill the media echo chambers. My coauthors and I wrote it as every-day Americans, inviting others into better conversations with people in their lives. If the temper of this country changes it will be one life at a time and one conversation at a time.
We held a number of events in Dallas this week to mark the launch and will continue to do this Saturday and Sunday in southern California. If you’re free to celebrate with us, hear my coauthors share a bit of their story, and get your book signed, join us in San Dimas on Saturday for the launch, and on Sunday afternoon with CultureBrave in Los Angeles. You can get all the details here. Just look under Events.
We’re looking for people who are willing to intentionally engage those who look and think differently than they do with mutual respect and compassion. Our subtitle is: Creating safe environments for conversations about race, politics, sexuality, and religion. Learning to speak this language means we will engage people, listen to their stories so that we can better understand their concerns, and then consider how we might share a culture that seeks to be fair to all points of view instead of imposing our own.

Bob, Arnita, and I taught our first class together in Dallas this weekend and to a group of people eager to join this conversation. Some of the things we shared there, that might be helpful here are:
- About 75% of Americans are ready to have the conversation that embraces mutual respect, which means about 25% are not. Don’t try to force this conversation on those who are not ready for it. Most will be, however, tired of the polarization that is making us angry and suspicious of our neighbors.
- Don’t think first about changing institutions, but of the next interaction you have with someone who thinks differently than you do, or the next room you walk into and who you choose to spend some time with.
- Learning to speak a Language of Healing invites an inner transformation first, where we “see” others and engage them with compassion and respect even if they don’t share our political views or our faith.
- We all have biases that influences our interactions with others. By recognizing and managing them we will find ourselves in more fruitful relationships.
This week we will also be recording the audio version for those who would like to hear all three of us read our parts of this book. It should be available by the first of the year.
If you’d like to help us get the word out, here are some ideas—
- Go to your favorite bookstore and ask if they have the book in stock. (If not, it will alert them to order it.)
- Get a copy at Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, or Books-A-Million and start reading it.
- If you like what you’re reading, share it freely on social media, post a review on Goodreads and Amazon. All of those things help the book spread in the world.
- Post a picture of the book whenever you quote from it or share your thoughts about it. There are lots online, or on my Facebook Author feed, or you can personalize it by taking one with you reading the book, or sitting on your coffee table or desk.
- When you see other postings about this book on your social feeds “like” them so the conversation grows.
- Suggest A Language of Healing for any book group you attend, or host a study in your own home.
We have been blessed with a lot of people who are passionate about this book. Give it a read and see if it resonates with you as well.
Have just bought an e book version for my Kindle. Look forward to a good read! I am in Australia and I guess we are not that far removed from what is happening in the States. May there be a wonderful response and that this book will assist many to live better lives. I think I now the Wayne Jacobsen collection up to date!