Those who have been working on the site, pose to celebrate the completion of the refurbished building.

The bed frames are ready to be moved in.

The first 25 children move into the refurbished facility with their new bedding, which was provided by the Kenyans. It was a day of great joy for all involved in this project.

The walls are topped out on the new construction and the roofing has begun. The puppy on the bottom left of the picture will be one of the guard dogs for the compound.
They are making great progress and your generous donations keep flowing in to make this all possible. I am wonderfully blessed to watch this all unfold, connecting some of God’s resource to an incredible need. For those of you not up to speed on this, we are helping a group of 72 orphans growing up in a slum in Eldoret to move into a safer and more sanitary facility. The Kenyans we are working with have been sharing the load with us and it is such a joy to see the faces of these children moving into their new home. Construction costs and state demands have increased the costs of this orphanage from the original estimates. Surprise! Surprise! But I am confident that the people we are working with there are being incredibly cost conscious and doing whatever they can themselves to help this project along.
Here is the most recent report from Michael:
The team are praying over here for the completion of the center. This is very big and huge building beyond our expectations. It means that our budget was almost shallow but we thank God that His presences is with us. As I told you earlier that the first team of twenty five kids as been arrived in the centre as you may see the pictures our members has donated the mattresses and the blankets. We have also seen the possibility of this kids to have the school in the center to avoid raising the amount for the surrounding schools. So we may be examining those who are qualified and trained teachers to start working immediately. I thank God that the representatives from the local government are closely with us over here since we completed refurbishing of the building. They are trying to help so that we may follow the procedures. We also need to start working out how we shall buying the facilities in the centre to help the children as well as the utensils before we move out. We need this before we move out since we are advised that the children need to start learning. We are concerned about the uniform and shoes for the education and we are believing in prayers that God is so faithful for every step. I thank God for joining us together for such time as this where we could needs love and care. Your message it has transformed thousands of souls through this ministry and I believe that this will continue so that we may remain as a light to the world.
Thanks to all of you who continue to participate here. For more information on our project here, you can read this earlier blog. If you would like to be part of this to support these brothers and sisters and see the Gospel grow in this part of Africa, please see our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560-1 Newbury Rd #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.
This project has been awesome to watch come together. I am a single mother of four so I have no spare cash yet I have said prayers. I just wanted to say today that I really love the colour scheme of the building…for some reason it really made my heart happy to see those colours.
This project has been awesome to watch come together. I am a single mother of four so I have no spare cash yet I have said prayers. I just wanted to say today that I really love the colour scheme of the building…for some reason it really made my heart happy to see those colours.