The Living Loved Education Center has opened to provide schooling for the children

One of the students reciting a lesson in the school room

Lunch time for three of the students

Hanging doors in the almost-finished new construction
As you can see, the school has opened and the final touches are being completed on the new buildings just in time for the rainy season. This is a far cry from where these children used to live. Sara and I are so grateful for those children, and for all of you who have made this happen. When I was in Pennsylvania this weekend, someone handed me a $1,000 check to add to the fund. I was blown away. There are still more needs as we open this orphanage and ensure the staff can be paid. Michael wrote this today:
Dear Brother Wayne, I am so excited to report to you and thank you very much for the amount you send, it is enough it has help us to cover for all remaining issues, this inclusive the water and everything. Right now we are working out for the side of roofing and everything is going well until we finished. We have bought all the materials including paying the water in some days in advance. Thank you very much for your understanding about these special issues that have arisen. I am really blessed to see that the big number of the children are in the centre. We have enrolled enough teacher to start working immediately and other care takers along with other workers which I will be sending to you their information soon as possible. We are still working with some children to get their birth certificates in Eldoret.
Michael also included a special request, somewhat sheepishly, knowing how much people have already given. In all we have sent to help in Kenya, he has not taken one dime for his own household though he cares for 16 children in his own home. One of those, Petronilah, has grown into a young woman and has been accepted into nursing school in Uganda. However both her parents are dead and no one has any money to scholarship her eduction. To date, Michael has not asked anything for his own household, but would like to see this young woman take the opportunity. The cost is $2600 for the first year and $1800 for each year for the next two years. I find myself hoping there is someone, or some group of people out there who have not yet had the ability to participate in the ongoing need in Kenya, who would be willing to take on this need and bless this young woman with a nursing degree that will bring tremendous blessing to her life and her country. We can provide a tax-deduction for all contributions and the conduit to get her the money. If you would be interested in covering this need, please write me directly. If others of you just want to give a portion to her, feel free to do so as well. Just note that your gift is for “scholarship.” (UPDATE 3/17: A family on the east coast wrote to let us know that they would underwrite the full cost of her education. So this need has now been covered. I am so deeply touched by the generosity of people!)
Thanks again for your consideration. For more information on our project here, you can read this earlier blog. If you would like to be part of this to support these brothers and sisters and see the Gospel grow in this part of Africa, please see our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560-1 Newbury Rd #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.