Is This the Way We Live It – Part 2

A few blogs back, I posted a parody of a salvation tract that was sent to me by a friend. It was a bit over the top and I even commented that I knew people who lived it this way, but I doubt they would ever spell it out so clearly. Then I got this email, and I was just dumbfounded that people could read that parody and miss the parody. They thought it was serious and couldn’t figure out what the problem might be. How tragic is that?!?!?!

You won’t believe what happened to me today!

I logged on to your website and laughed my head off when I read the brochure entitled “Is This The Way We Live It?” I thought it was so funny that I told all of my Christian friends (who are still stuck in the rut of institutional Churchianity) to go to your website to read it also. I then told them to email me back with their thoughts on the brochure.

Are you ready for this? Not one of them—and I do mean not one of them—’got it!!!’ In fact, quite a few of them wrote back to me and said, “I looked at the brochure you told me about on Wayne Jacobsen’s website, but I fail to see the message in it!”

If their failure to ‘get it’ isn’t a damning indictment of what institutional churchianity has produced in the way of ‘faith’ in today’s typical Christian, I don’t know what is.

And for any of those who still don’t get it, here’s a hint: The statement, “God has reconciled us to himself through the church,” is not a Scripture.

Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

18 thoughts on “Is This the Way We Live It – Part 2”

  1. Omigosh…when I origionally did the tract for fun, I never dreamed that anyone, of any denomination, could possibly take it seriously. Most people HAD to know that “Come to Church, you who are weary…” couldn’t possibly be in the Bible.

    I guess that the longer we walk in freedom, the easier it is to forget how real the prison of a rigid system is for so many. When Wayne first posted this tract, I wondered if people might be offended because it seems (at least to me) a shameless exaggeration of that kind of thinking. It is incredible that apparently it isn’t exaggerated enough to be instantly recognized as a spoof.

  2. Omigosh…when I origionally did the tract for fun, I never dreamed that anyone, of any denomination, could possibly take it seriously. Most people HAD to know that “Come to Church, you who are weary…” couldn’t possibly be in the Bible.

    I guess that the longer we walk in freedom, the easier it is to forget how real the prison of a rigid system is for so many. When Wayne first posted this tract, I wondered if people might be offended because it seems (at least to me) a shameless exaggeration of that kind of thinking. It is incredible that apparently it isn’t exaggerated enough to be instantly recognized as a spoof.

  3. For a long time I had the NLT version of Proverbs 26:18-19 posted at my household for my kids. Jokes can be fun, but they can get us into trouble. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s generally better to stick with the truth, in all situations.

  4. Contrast that with an article from “Holiness Today” magazine. (No, I didn’t make that up.) There was an article entitled, “Making the Most of Church.” It would seem the line between truth and parody is undiscernable to many. We read that article looking for the punchline and alas, there was none. Actually, we thought Joe had penned it. (He sent the link to us.)
    Wow. Oh, the weary masses out there.
    I am so greatful that God has set us free from the tyranny of serving a system.

  5. For a long time I had the NLT version of Proverbs 26:18-19 posted at my household for my kids. Jokes can be fun, but they can get us into trouble. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s generally better to stick with the truth, in all situations.

  6. Contrast that with an article from “Holiness Today” magazine. (No, I didn’t make that up.) There was an article entitled, “Making the Most of Church.” It would seem the line between truth and parody is undiscernable to many. We read that article looking for the punchline and alas, there was none. Actually, we thought Joe had penned it. (He sent the link to us.)
    Wow. Oh, the weary masses out there.
    I am so greatful that God has set us free from the tyranny of serving a system.

  7. I loved the tract …..and can’t understand how anyone couldn’t see it was a spoof??……I guess i also have been out of the ‘religious system’ too long.

  8. I loved the tract …..and can’t understand how anyone couldn’t see it was a spoof??……I guess i also have been out of the ‘religious system’ too long.

  9. just a play on words here based on the last post. No, it is because we have been out of the religious system at least long enough to have our eyes opened to where we can see. I’m understanding better today than ever, they just can’t see it. This realization for me has stirred a compassion in my heart for them. Being set free from these controls is the only thing that will make seeing possible. The question I am asking Father today, is how can we help in this process or can we? Is it something He has to do. I don’t know? Any ideas?

  10. just a play on words here based on the last post. No, it is because we have been out of the religious system at least long enough to have our eyes opened to where we can see. I’m understanding better today than ever, they just can’t see it. This realization for me has stirred a compassion in my heart for them. Being set free from these controls is the only thing that will make seeing possible. The question I am asking Father today, is how can we help in this process or can we? Is it something He has to do. I don’t know? Any ideas?

  11. I appreciated that tract because it is funny and because it is true. Not truth, but true in dealing with the hijacking of our faith and the simplicity of Christ. Sometimes the only way to crack through hard heads is with something outrageous!! But I didn’t know it was a parody until I saw the “You are so hosed” remark and then I just about died laughing. Then I actually read what Wayne wrote above it, oh and the whole “more good news” bit — I loved it.

    I had some people over and they saw it and they weren’t sure whether to laugh or be offended! Oh well! God will use that too.

  12. I appreciated that tract because it is funny and because it is true. Not truth, but true in dealing with the hijacking of our faith and the simplicity of Christ. Sometimes the only way to crack through hard heads is with something outrageous!! But I didn’t know it was a parody until I saw the “You are so hosed” remark and then I just about died laughing. Then I actually read what Wayne wrote above it, oh and the whole “more good news” bit — I loved it.

    I had some people over and they saw it and they weren’t sure whether to laugh or be offended! Oh well! God will use that too.

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