One more picture! This was the view from our chalet last night in the village of Rougemont in the Swiss Alps.
Sara and I just returned from two days in that area with our hosts Silvio and Dominique Viotti. We have had a great time with this dear brother and sister and their family. We have laughed ourselves silly more times than I can count. A couple of years ago Silvio translated SO YOU DON’T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ANYMORE into French and is just finishing up on HE LOVES ME. They have been warm and gracious to us and have showed us the incredible beauty of their country. They have also introduced us to a number of their friends on Sunday as we had a bbq out in a park and shared about Father’s life together.
Tomorrow Sara and I board a Swiss Air jet from Geneva for the flight home. I’ve been gone 3 weeks, traveled hundreds of miles and am looking forward to a night or two in my own bed at home.
Finally, we just found out that the NY Times published an article today on THE SHACK, which has now had four weeks at #1 on their Trade Fiction list. Christian Novel Is Surprise Best Seller traces the rise of THE SHACK by William P. Young, calling it “the most compelling recent example of how a word-of-mouth phenomenon can explode into a blockbuster when the momentum hits chain bookstores, and the marketing and distribution power of a major commercial publisher is thrown behind it.”
I read that article, and it says:
“So Mr. Cummings, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Young invested about $15,000 of their own money to print and distribute the book.”
Are they confusing Wayne and Neo? 🙂
I have no idea where Mr. Anderson came from. Perhaps it is a warning!
Can you believe even the NY Times gets it wrong? And I talked to their fact checker last night from Switzerland! Strange!
You can find them at Walmart now! I am very excited for everyone that reads The Shack! This is just really great!
I read that article, and it says:
“So Mr. Cummings, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Young invested about $15,000 of their own money to print and distribute the book.”
Are they confusing Wayne and Neo? 🙂
I have no idea where Mr. Anderson came from. Perhaps it is a warning!
Can you believe even the NY Times gets it wrong? And I talked to their fact checker last night from Switzerland! Strange!
You can find them at Walmart now! I am very excited for everyone that reads The Shack! This is just really great!
I read a blog by Greg Boyd, writer, thinker, institutional pastor. I like him even though I don’t know him. Anyway he recently reviewed The Shack. Pretty friendly review.
You can find it here: http://gregboyd.blogspot.com/2008/06/shack-review.html
I read a blog by Greg Boyd, writer, thinker, institutional pastor. I like him even though I don’t know him. Anyway he recently reviewed The Shack. Pretty friendly review.
You can find it here: http://gregboyd.blogspot.com/2008/06/shack-review.html
I got such a kick out of seeing Mr. Anderson along with Mr. Cummings and Mr. Young. And I heard it as I read it as if Agent Smith was saying it. Too funny.
I got such a kick out of seeing Mr. Anderson along with Mr. Cummings and Mr. Young. And I heard it as I read it as if Agent Smith was saying it. Too funny.