Featured Books: Finding Church and Beyond Sundays

With only a few weeks before the end of 2024, we continue on a guided tour through some of Wayne’s books with a couple of his “church books”: Finding Church and Beyond Sundays. Two for one!

Over the final three weeks of this year, we’ll continue to highlight (at least) one book per week, and offer bulk discounts on those, and a coupon for a 25% discount on any order over $75.

Today we’re featuring Finding Church and Beyond Sundays together! For the next week, both of these books will be 50% off, or you can order in bulk, and save even more. In addition, through the end of the year, use the coupon code 25off75 when you checkout to save 25% off any order over $75. Merry Christmas from Lifestream!

We decided to feature two books this week, even though we could have featured even more (See: The Naked Church, So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore?, and also many of his Living Loved Articles). In these books, Wayne has put into words what many have experienced of Jesus’ church in the world and encouraged so many who have known there was more than a system, more than a building, more than Sundays. Finding Church and Beyond Sundays are an encouragement to all who are traversing these well-trod paths by baby steps or a full sprint toward the freedom of following Jesus.

Finding Church

What if the church Jesus is building looks more like wildflowers strewn across an alpine meadow than a walled garden with manicured hedges?

If, like many other people, you have questioned whether there is something more to Jesus’ church than the religious institutions we’ve inherited after two thousand years, you’ll want to read Finding Church.  Here is straight talk from a man who has sought authentic New Testament community for more than fifty years and who has discovered it in the most unlikely places.

Beyond Sundays by Wayne JacobsenBeyond Sundays

In the last few decades sixty-five million Americans who once regular attended a local congregation, no longer do. About thirty-five million of those no longer self-identify as Christian, but over thirty-one million still do. This last group has been tagged “The Dones”, those who still seek to follow Jesus and find real community but have given up hope that the local congregation is still relevant to their journey.

What do we make of this phenomenon? As one who has spent twenty years helping people explore the life of Jesus beyond our conformity-based systems, here are some of my thoughts about helping people explore relationship with God and his people beyond our conformity based systems and how we might participate in this conversation in a way that champions the unity of all of God’s family.

This book is adapted from blog postings I wrote from 2015-2017 that grew out of conversations I had in my many travels with people around the world who are dealing with these same realities. One thing is clear: people are abandoning organized religion in droves. Does that threaten the future of God’s work in our world, or does it open new opportunities for the God’s live to grow beyond our expectations?

Whether or you attend a local church or whether you don’t, responding to this phenomenon will have repercussions for generations to come. We can respond as we have for centuries in a way that further fractures our Father’s family, or we can embrace our Father in all the ways he works to bring people to himself and transforms them in his love.

Ordering Options:

If you’d like to request a custom bulk order, email us your order and we’ll get you a custom price.

NOTE: If you order by Friday 12/20, with priority shipping, we’ll do our best to get your books to you by Christmas!

This post was written by Greg Campbell for Wayne Jacobsen and Lifestream.

Hi, I’m Greg Campbell. Wayne often calls me “[his] Web Guy” probably because I have been helping him with all his “web things” for about 20 years now. While Wayne is recuperating from his recent surgery and taking chemo, we thought it might be a good use of this space to remind people of some of the amazing resources Wayne has made available through Lifestream. Would you like to help? Perhaps something Wayne has written or said has been particularly meaningful in your own life. Would you be willing to share it as a way to encourage others who might be in a similar place in their journey. Perhaps there is a blog series, book, podcast, or audio recording (e.g. Transitions or Engage) that Jesus used to help you on your journey. Here’s the request again: Would you mind writing a paragraph or two about it? We’ll make it available here on the Lifestream website. Thanks!