Featured Book: A Man Like No Other

We continue on a guided tour through some of Wayne’s books with one of his more unique books: A Man Like No Other. This is an illustrated life of Jesus, with paintings visualizing moments in the life of Jesus while Wayne, along with his friend, Brad Cummings, tell the stories of those images with words. It’s a large, hardbound book, so it costs a bit more, but this week it is discounted and is a wonderful gift for Christmas time. At Christmas we celebrate God becoming man, the man, Jesus—a man like no other!

We are quickly approaching the end of this calendar year, and as you know, we are highlighting several of Wayne’s books, available here through Lifestream, offering a couple ways to save a little bit, too. Over the last few weeks remaining, we’ll continue to highlight one book per week, and offer bulk discounts on those, and a coupon for a 25% discount on any order over $75.

Today we’re featuring A Man Like No Other: The Illustrated Life of Jesus. For the next week, this book will be 25% off, or you can order in bulk, and save even more (Box of 5, Box of 10, or Box of 20). In addition, through the end of the year, use the coupon code 25off75 when you checkout to save 25% off any order over $75. Merry Christmas from Lifestream!

Ordering Options:

If you’d like to order more than the Box of 20 option, email us your order and we’ll get you a custom price.

Book Description

71kHQ3msAwLJesus continues to be the most engaging person who ever lived, not only a man of compelling words, and incredible miracles, but also a man who treated others around him as they had never been treated before.

Now, through the brush of award-winning artist, Murry Whiteman, and the pen of authors, and collaborators on The Shack, Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings, experience the richness of the One who set the world on fire. In provocative paintings and insightful prose, these three unveil the life and teachings of Jesus to show how truly unique a person he was.

Discover afresh Jesus growing up and beginning to grasp his identity as God’s Son, living loved through the temptations and turmoil he faced, and finally offering his own life to rescue people he loved from the darkness and fears that held them captive.

Let him become more to you than just the character in a book, a name used by those who fight over doctrine, or an empty religious icon. In him the God of the universe came and took up residence in his own creation.

In the fullness of time, God spoke again into the chaos of darkness. This, too, was a word of creation and light, but this time it was not in a voice, but a baby—the Word made flesh now inside the creation. God sought to prove he was not distant and uncaring, by becoming one of us, embracing all that it meant to be human. Here he lived, he loved, he taught, he healed. He came to set us free, to invite us into the life-giving relationship that he himself enjoys with the Father.

He willingly gave up his life so that we and this world could be redeemed back to God. He came as a Son that he might reveal to us the Father. His life, who he was, what he did, and how he related to others exactly reflected of God’s nature. If you want to know what God is like, we have only to look to him. This is the story of that man, Jesus — a man like no other!

Genesis 1-3, John 1:1-12, Galatians 4:1-4, Hebrews 1-5:3, 2:14-18

A couple weeks back we asked for you to share something Wayne has written or said that has been particularly meaningful to you, and we’d post here. Today’s thoughts come from Mark, and mention (among other things) Wayne’s collaboration with other authors, which would include the book we are highlighting this week! Mark said:

I believe Wayne is one of the warmest, most encouraging, productive persons to ever walk the planet. His faith during his marital crisis was remarkable. His ability to not strike back at his enemies when he had every right to do so was inspiring.

The incredible amount of correspondence to so many people looks tiring to me, but he does it. Wayne’s writing is like the icebreaker in the Arctic when only specialized ships can do the task while the rest are allowed to follow behind once the way is clear.

His collaboration with other authors has produced a rich harvest of ideas for all of us to absorb. Wayne has endured many blows, and trodded through thickets of thorns, but has always come out the other side, smiling and unbroken by bitterness or resentment.

He can still give and receive love without thought of personal gain.

Many people live on an island of sorts of their own creation. Wayne has chosen to develop a multiplicity of relationships to sustain himself, as well as many others. His writing shows the inner growth these struggles produced, as well as how his long-term relationships have helped sustain him. Wayne’s faith in resting with his Father throughout his trials shows how a Christian life may be lived. “Jesus is the only weapon you will ever need.” Those words are a lodestone for my life. I have shared them multiple times in my work with others.

This is only a small part of what Wayne has done. Eternity will reveal much more. I am blessed because of his presence in my life. Thank you for allowing me to share.

If you have something you’d like to share, please reply to this email, or email me directly at webmaster@lifestream.org.

This post was written by Greg Campbell for Wayne Jacobsen and Lifestream.

Hi, I’m Greg Campbell. Wayne often calls me “[his] Web Guy” probably because I have been helping him with all his “web things” for about 20 years now. While Wayne is recuperating from his recent surgery and taking chemo, we thought it might be a good use of this space to remind people of some of the amazing resources Wayne has made available through Lifestream. Would you like to help? Perhaps something Wayne has written or said has been particularly meaningful in your own life. Would you be willing to share it as a way to encourage others who might be in a similar place in their journey. Perhaps there is a blog series, book, podcast, or audio recording (e.g. Transitions or Engage) that Jesus used to help you on your journey. Here’s the request again: Would you mind writing a paragraph or two about it? We’ll make it available here on the Lifestream website. Thanks!

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  1. Pingback: Featured Book: A Man Like No Other | Lifestream – The Faith Herald

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