¡Él me ama!

Este es el libro al cual he llamado frecuentemente, “el libro de mayor importancia que jamás vaya a escribir”. Ahora está disponible en Español. Este trabajo se ha logrado gracias al gran esfuerzo de personas de tres continentes. Estamos bien entusiasmados al añadir este recurso al menú de “Lifestream” y para celebrar su lanzamiento al mercado estamos ofreciendo las tres versiones a precio especial. El libro impreso a $8.00 y ambas descargas en formato digital a $5.00. Puede utilizar los enlaces en la parte de abajo o ir a nuestra tienda en “Lifestream” y buscar el menú de libros.

(I hope the translation above is accurate since I did it through Google Translate.   It should say this:  The book I have often called the most significant book I’ll ever write and it is now available in Spanish.  This has taken a lot of work by people on three different contintents to put this package together.  We are so excited to add this resource to the Lifestream menu and to celebrate it’s release we are offering all three versions at special prices.  The printed book for $8.00, and both e-book downloads for $5.00.  You can use the links below or go to the store page at Lifestream and look in the book menu.)


  Versión para imprimir

  (Printed version – $8.00 + Shipping)



  (Kindle version – $5.00 download)



  EPub Versión para Nook, iBook y otros

  (Epub version for Nook, iBook – $5.00 download)
If you have contacts in the Spanish speaking world that will help get the word out, we would greatly appreciate it you letting them know.