The Lifestream Podcast

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The Jesus Lens #13 – The Later Letters

The thirteenth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #13: The Later Letters – Paul’s later letters—1 & 2 Timothy and Titus— along with Peter’s two letters and Jude’s dealt with false teachers, suffering, and how to stay faithful to the Truth even when others begin to go astray. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens – Fourth Dialog Session

During our recording sessions, Wayne paused to answer questions from those in attendance. This is some of the dialog that followed sessions 10 and 11. I’m sorry I should have included it earlier, but this one got past me. So it will be a bit out of order in the podcast rotation. The Jesus Lens: Fourth Dialog Session – Here is some of the interaction that followed Wayne’s teaching. If you’d like to add your questions to some of the material you’re hearing in this series, please send them to the Lifestream office through our Contact Page. When we get enough questions, Wayne will interact with them in a future audio podcast. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #12 – The Middle Letters

The twelfth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #12: The Middle Letters – As their individual journeys began to play out in church communities Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and Hebrews were written to help them learn how to live more deeply in God’s life as well as to see the church take shape among them. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #11 – The Early Letters

The eleventh audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #11: The Early Letters – As the believers walked out their newfound relationship with Jesus, issues emerged that required greater clarity. James, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, and Romans were among the first letters written to help people learn how to follow him. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #10 – The Elliptical Playground

The tenth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #10: The Elliptical Playground – The truth Scripture describes is not always a linear set of propositions, but an unveiling of two or more seemingly contradictory revelations. The truth is found as both are held in tension inside a relationship with Jesus. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens – Third Dialog Session

During our recording sessions, Wayne paused to answer questions from those in attendance. This is some of the dialog that followed sessions 8 and 9. The Jesus Lens: Third Dialog Session – Here is some of the interaction that followed Wayne’s teaching. If you’d like to add your questions to some of the material you’re hearing in this series, please send them to the Lifestream office through our Contact Page. When we get enough questions, Wayne will interact with them in a future audio podcast. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #9 – The Most Dangerous Person in Christianity

The ninth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #9: The Most Dangerous Person In Christianity – Everyone interprets Scripture on some criteria, the most dangerous ones are those who don’t think they do and presume to merely take Scripture literally. These are often those who most want to force their distorted views on others. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #8 – Those Early Believers

The eighth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #8: Beginning At the End, The Gospels – Luke-Acts is one continuous narrative that bridges the life of Jesus while he was on earth with the life of Jesus in the early believers. Watch them grow, learn, make mistakes in learning to live in Jesus and share that life with others. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #7 – The Gospels, Part II

The seventh audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #7: The Gospels, Part II – Begin in Mark with a quick overview of the life of Jesus then view more of the details in Matthew and John. Finally read Luke to complete the narrative. Read them over and over again until the Jesus of Scripture becomes a real person. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #6 – Beginning at the End, The Gospels

The sixth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #6: Beginning At the End, The Gospels – Getting to know the Jesus of Scripture through the Gospels is critical to understanding the rest of the Bible. See how he lives, what he says, and how he interacts with others he encounters. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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