Not Everyone Loves What We’re Doing Here

In case you think all of my email is filled with great questions and wonderful affirmations, it isn’t so. Take this one I got last week:

Although you make several true points in this article, you are totally off base when it comes to the local New Testament church. There is not only a Bible principle, but the New Testament also sets a precedent for believers in regards to the local church. That precedent is for us who claim the name of Christ to be part of a local body of believers. You better go back to the drawing board and spiritually reconsider these foolish remarks. This article will do much more harm than it will ever do good. Stay away from your opinions, and stick with the spirit and truth of the Word of the Living God.

Are you surprised he signed his letter as ‘Senior Pastor’ so-an-so? I’m not even sure what article he is referring to, since he didn’t say. I’d assume he means Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore. But my heart goes out to people like him. I used to be one of them only considered those who were involved in a recognized local assembly to be committed Christians.

Now I know better. Institutional commitment alone is meaningless. Jesus never told his disciples to organize such things, nor people to attend them. The writers of the New Testament talked of the church locally as believers in a given region. They met in homes, related to each other with joy and service, and for over 300 years never began the kind of institutions and traditions that have come to mark Christianity for the last 18 centuries. They loved each other, were devoted to each other even beyond their faults and weaknesses, and shared his life together by the strength of their relationships throughout the week.

I honestly think those who see their church involvement as a congregational meeting have more to explain about New Testament precedents than those who live in the reality of open and honest relationships with lots of other Christians in their area—and not just those who attend one institution. Over the last five years Sara and I have built relationships with a variety of people in this area. Some of them attend a Sunday morning gathering; many of them do not. But what they do have in common is a passionate desire to live deeply with Jesus and to walk alongside other believers in meaningful relationships. What more could we ever want from the church?

I do agree that those who claim the name of Christ are part of the local body of believers. I guess I just mean that differently than my pastor friend does. Some us just grew tired of all the institutional baggage that seemed to hinder rather than help those relationships. We’re not attacking others who see it differently by calling their beliefs foolish or accusing them of great harm. I don’t see the need for them to do so with us.

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More Questions: Evangelism Without Manipulation

I love the questions people are asking as they wake up to the reality of living in the life of Jesus. This one came today from Mississippi and in the limited space email offers, I tried to give her a bit of an answer:

This may sound stupid. How does one share the gospel with others without being manipulative or is most “churched” people’s conception of “witnessing” wrong? How do we introduce others to Christ so they too can be free? I am new to this sight and it has one eye opener after another. Thanks.

Not stupid at all… Religion finds no end to the ways of manipulating people to do good or even to convert. As God wakes us up to his reality we can admit that most of what evangelism has meant is exploiting and manipulating our neighbors and friends, rather than demonstrating to them the reality of who God is by the way we live our lives. I’m blessed God is doing that work in you.

Scripture makes clear that it is the Spirit who convicts the world (John 16) and that it is our task to love them freely (John 13:34-35) and not manipulate them by persuasive words (I Cor 2) nor shameful tactics (2 Cor 4). Rather by living in his reality and openly talking about it as others ask us about our lives we ‘set forth the truth plainly (and in doing so) commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. (2 Cor 4:1-4)

As we live in his reality, we’ll have no end of opportunities to give an account for the hope that lies within us. And then we can truly express our love and concern for people and not just manipulate them to respond the way we think they should.

It makes sharing this kingdom a task of exquisite joy, not a heavy obligation.

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Jehovah Tsnikki

You would probably have had to grow up in the 60’s and 70’s to get this one, but back then it was big-time preaching to take the names of God from the Old Testament that used the word Jehovah as a prefix. For instance, Jehovah-Jireh, (the God Who Provides) Jehovah-Rapha, (The God Who Heals You ) and Jehovah-Tsidkenu (God Our Righteousness.) Since then translators have used the more accurate Yaweh and have left out the Hebrew suffixes so that sermon doesn’t preach as well today. It actually was an interesting study in the redemptive attributes of God throughout the Old Testament.

But a college student from California has uncovered another one. This one isn’t in the Bible, but she swears its true nonetheless. During my recent trip to New Mexico, her father told me about her engagement with Jehovah Tsnikki. You’ll have to read that out loud to make sense of it—Jehovah Tsnikki, The God Who Sneaks Up On You.

How many times have you followed the Lord’s leading into a situation just certain as to how it would turn and be absolutely shocked when you realized that God had an entirely different outcome in mind? Certainly there is evidence of this reality throughout the Bible. God told Paul he would be going to Rome. At the time, I’m sure Paul had no idea it would be as a prisoner. But then again, the price was right. God sent Peter to Cornelius’ house before he had any idea God was going to allow those pesky Gentiles to get saved! And who can forget Joseph’s dream that he would rule over his brothers, only to find himself kidnapped, sold into slavery and finally unjustly imprisoned? God has some interesting ways to transform our lives with his glory.

I’ve had occasion to see Jehovah-Tsnikki as well, though I never knew there was a name for it. Often I have gotten involved in something thinking I knew exactly what God had in mind, only to find out I was being set up for something entirely different than I could have conceived. Most times it was more painful than I’d ever imagined, but if I had known that in advance, I may not have followed him into it. At other times, I’ve found him sneaking up on me right in the midst of some mess I’ve made, making himself know and accomplishing his purpose anyway.

Jehovah Tsnkiik! What great name for an incredible Father who dazzles us over and over again with the sheer wonder of his character and an unfolding purpose that isn’t even thwarted by our own ignorance or misguided efforts. Would you expect anything less from someone whose ways are far higher than our ways?

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All the Senior Pastor You Will Ever Need

I’m sorry it has been so quiet around here. I got back Monday from a weekend in New Mexico and fell right into a host of details that need to be sorted out not only for the people I encourage and the websites I run, but also to make final arrangements for our move next week about 30 miles to the east in Moorpark. So don’t be surprised if this blog is kind of quiet for the next few days.

Last night Brad and I recorded a new edition of The God Journey which has just been posted on our sister website. “Living in the Relationship” is designed to encourage people outside the box to go on and thrive in their personal relationship with God through Jesus. Brad and Wayne also tackle the difficult question, “What do you do when you feel like God is asking you to do something you’re not ready for?” and comment on some recent letters from listeners.

I had a marvelous time in New Mexico, meeting a wide variety of people in a broad diversity of places in this journey. We talked and talked and talked about how it is that we can live in the power and simplicity of the life of Jesus and how we that can be freely shared with other brothers and sisters without the complications and baggage of institutions and programs that offer an illusion fo community without letting us experience its life and depth. I spent a couple of days in Albuquerque and then the weekend up in Capitan. I am continually blessed by the hunger I find in God’s people and the willingness of so many to risk the disapproval of friends and family to pursue the hunger that is on their hearts.

We ate everything from barbeque to Mexican to Cajun, sat under the trees and shared the rich heritage our Father has provided for us in his son. We were even interrupted Saturday night as we talked outside under a 1500 square foot tarp some of them had put up that morning in case it rained. As we were winding up for the evening a powerful thunderstorm cell crossed overhead flooding us with water and blowing down the tarp we were under. It was quite a finish to a marvelous day. We left Sunday evening to head back to Albuquerque so I could catch my 6:00 a.m. flight home. We were treated to a magnificent sunset as we drove west from Capitan back to Albuquerque.

One of our themes from the weekend came from Ezekiel 34. As God prophesies against the bad shepherds for feeding off of his sheep instead of feeding them, he said he would replace those shepherd himself. One of the things I noted in that passage was that he never blamed the sheep for being scattered. He blamed the shepherds who had misused them. Then he promised to gather the sheep to himself. He would be their shepherd and lead them into pastures where we would never need to be afraid again. What an amazing reality! Jesus is the only Senior Pastor you will ever need. Imagine the freedom and joy we could experience if we could grasp that one simple truth.

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The End of Religion

I am still digesting Robert Farrar Capon’s Kingdom, Grace and Judgment. It is an interesting look at the parables of Jesus from an Episcopal priest and comes to some incredible conclusions that you wouldn’t expect. I’ll warn you it isn’t always easy reading, but the gems throughout are incredible. Here’s another:

“Christianity is not a religion’ it is the announcement of the end of religion. Religion consists of all the things (believing, behaving, worshipping, sacrificing) the human race has ever thought it had to do to get right with God. About those things, Christianity has only two comments to make. The first is that none of them ever had the least chance of doing the trick: the blood of bulls and goats can never take away sins (see the Epistle of Hebrews) and no effort of ours to keep the law of God can ever succeed (see the Epistle of Romans). The second is that everything religion tried (and failed) to do has been perfectly done, once and for all, by Jesus in his death and resurrection. For Christians, then, the entire religion shop has been closed, boarded up and forgotten. The church is not in the religion business. It never has been and it never will be, in spite of all the ecclesiastical turkeys through two thousand years who have acted as if religion was their stock in trade. The church, instead, is in the Gospel-proclaiming business. It is not here to bring the world the bad news that God will think kindly about us only after we have gone through certain creedal, liturgical, and ethical wickets; it is here to bring the world the Good News that ‘while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.’ It is here, in short, for no religious purpose at all, only to announce the Gospel of free grace.”

Good stuff! I find it fascinating that the needs of institutions and the demands of religion fit together so well. It’s sad really. It so easily takes our passion for Jesus and wears us out in irrelevant activities. I can’t imagine people defending the religion that 21st Century Christianity has become. There is so much more life in simply living alongside other brothers and sisters sharing the life of Jesus.

On an unrelated note, I’ll be in New Mexico this Memorial Weekend hanging out with some brothers and sisters I’ve been corresponding with over the past few years, but haven’t had the chance to meet yet. I’ll be in Albuquerque on Thursday and Friday and in Capitan on Saturday and Sunday. I hope you have a blessed weekend wherever you are.

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The Lion of Judah and the Falleness of Humanity

One of the best things about seeing the new Star Wars movie, Revenge of the Sith is that you get to see the trailer for the new Narnia movie, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe . The classic children’s books by C.S. Lewis are in production to come to the big screen.

I’ve got to admit I’m a big fan of the Narnia books and have read them often. The insights Lewis breathes into God’s nature and his work of redemption is timeless and magnificent. But I was not prepared for the moment in the preview when the Lion ascends the mountaintop roars over his kingdom. I got goose bumps. This depiction of the Lion of Judah, Redeemer of all those marred by sin, caused my heart to leap. I even get goose bumps just writing about it. It literally took my breath away, and there was never a moment in the Star Wars movie that followed that rose to the beauty of that one moment.

That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Star Wars. Watching how easily someone can be seduced into darkness by his desire to use power, even for what he might consider good ends, is a timely reminder and a compelling story. Evil doesn’t always lie in the things we want, but in what we’re willing to do to achieve them and who we’re willing to believe in the process. I found the seduction of Anakin Skywalker to be a strong parable about the corrupting nature of power and even our own giftedness.

There was a bit of editorializing of course. At one moment a Jedi comments that the power of the dark side lie in its commitment to absolutes. A bit of a jab at the evangelicals, I should think! And yet, in the story it was the Jedi that were committed to absolutes while those of evil gave in to personal expedience. Interesting… But I think it should give us pause at how our political aspirations are viewed in the world. The attempt to force our absolutes on a culture unwilling to embrace them causes us greater rejection of us and our absolutes than it endears them to listen to us. I’ve always thought that the power of persuasion and example in the reality of truth is far more powerful to God’s ends, than compelling people through force, be it political or military. At least that’s the way I saw Jesus live it.

Now I’ve got to wait until December 9 to see the Lion work his majesty!

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Just Enough of God to Be Miserable

I am still digesting Robert Farrar Capon’s Kingdom, Grace and Judgment. It is an interesting look at the parables of Jesus from an Episcopal priest and comes to some incredible conclusions that you wouldn’t expect. I’ll warn you it isn’t always easy reading, but the gems throughout are incredible. Here’s another:

“I am left, therefore, with the unhappy suspicion that people who are afraid the preaching of grace will encourage sin are in fact people who resent the righteousness they have forced themselves into. Having led ‘good’ lies—and worse yet, having denied themselves the pleasures of sin—they seethe inwardly at any suggestion that God may not be as hard on drug pushes and child molesters as they always thought he would be on themselves.”

He reminds me of something my father used to say when we were growing up. “Some people get just enough of God to be miserable.” They can no longer give themselves freely to the sin that entangled them, but neither do they come close enough to drink deeply from the well of life that he offers. Perhaps that is what it means to be lukewarm and why Jesus found it so distasteful. Neither sinner enough to recognize their need for him, nor godly enough to find his fullness the greatest joy in the universe.

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Questions, Questions and More Questions—or Not!

Not long ago I met with a group of people who’ve been sharing life as a house church over the couple of years. They had read a lot of my books and articles, but we had never met. In preparation fo our time together, they sent me a list of the questions they were hoping to cover when I was with them. Here’s what they sent:

  • What are the areas of holy living that we cannot ignore as true disciples of Christ? (the standards for living)

  • What about headship and accountability in the small group setting? Who is responsible to keep order, make decisions, deal with breaches of conduct?

  • What kinds of information is appropriate to share; what kinds of questions can we ask others that will be helpful to the growth of the body, and which will cause division?

  • How do we deal with differences in age, education, economic levels, geographic, standards of dress or entertainment, strong opinions on health food, home schooling, etc.

  • How can we overcome roadblocks to real relationships? (personality quirks like stoicism vs. epicurean, giftings such as speaking vs. serving, training and backgrounds like Baptist vs. Pentecostal, paradigms and thinking patterns such as models for church vs. Holy Spirit led, etc.)

  • How do we grow and develop a deeper love for one another which would cause others to see something special?

  • Where do we find fellowship with a larger circle of believers?

  • What are some specific things we can do to humble ourselves?

  • How can we turn our focus to Jesus instead of ourselves in conversation without sounding pious or super spiritual?

  • How is speech that is full of grace characterized?

  • What part does prayer have in the unity of the body of Christ? Are there standards defining who we pray with, how often, or of quality that we should be aware of?

  • Describe a Spirit-led person. Describe a Spirit-led gathering.

  • How do fear of rejection, fear of conflict, etc. interfere with relationships? How can we overcome those?

  • Is the house church just another model, if so where do we go from here? Are there those breaking out of the house church model? Why?

I got tired just reading down the list. While there are some good questions here, when I first read them I was struck with how preoccupied they were with the life of ‘the group’ as an entity and not with our life in Jesus, who does have first place in all things with the church. I found myself hoping we’d forget about the list, and find the choicest fellowship at Jesus’ feet.

And that’s exactly what happened. When I arrived to gather with these people, we spent Friday evening sharing our journeys, talking about the amazing work Jesus accomplished for us on the cross and how he is calling people to himself these days. It was an awesome time of fellowship. We even had someone in the room that was a bit resistant to some of what was shared, but that even allowed us to see how to treat folks who don’t see things the same way we do.

Halfway through our time on Saturday, I said to my host, “Do we want to work on some of those questions this afternoon?”

He smiled at me and responded, “Don’t have to. They’re irrelevant.”

I loved it! I didn’t take it to be a slam on the questions, but a refocusing of our life around Jesus. As long as we are focused on the group, we’ll have an endless array of questions to deal with. When our focus is on Jesus, the questions become less important. In his presence and with his leadership he’ll make his way clear in our hearts. Having him, nothing else really matters. We went on to have a great weekend together and come away with hearts more clearly focused on his work in us and how we yield to him each day.

That’s why I’m so convinced that people preoccupied with creating fellowship rarely find it. They only end up with an unreasonable facsimile there of. But those who set their focus on Jesus and his kingdom, will in time find more fellowship than they will know what to do with.

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A Wild Ride Through Virginia

My head and heart are still spinning from my recent swing through Virginia. I appreciated those of you who prayed for my time in Washington, DC working alongside the First Amendment Center to help to create a publication for school districts to deal with sexual orientation issues. The meeting brought people together from all sides of this issue and I was pleasantly surprised at the cooperative nature of those discussions.

I was also incredibly awed by the view. We sat in a room that had views from the Pentagon on the right, across the memorials on the Mall, the Capitol and the White House and all the way up the left to the National Cathedral. It was an awesome view. From my chair at the table, I could see the West Wing of the White House. At was a bittersweet view in some ways. I remember the first time I came to Washington some 26 years ago filled with idealism about what goes on in that city. I’ll have to admit the last 26 years have left me a bit jaded with the state of American politics, and how much our national leaders have sold out to special interests groups in the high-finance of re-election campaigns. I think my eyes are open far wider to the corruption of power and how man’s systems fall so far short of God’s glory.

Going into detail about our meeting, however, would take hours I don’t have, but we were able to talk in frank and honest terms about finding a way to ensure that no one is bullied or harassed on a public school campus, while still being honest with the fact that we as a culture we are divided in our convictions about the morality and normalcy of homosexuality. It was clear from those present that faith-based objections to homosexuality are not de facto harassment and discrimination and that it would be as inappropriate for schools to indoctrinate students into a view of homosexuality that runs counter to their beliefs and convictions. The small group of us in that room had amazing common ground as to how our culture can deal with these difficult issues and not undermine the various views represented in our culture. The trick now is to put that to words in a way that will appeal to groups who carry far more intense agendas on either side of this debate. But I was amazed at how well a group of people with such a wide diversity of views could come together and respect our differences while working for a larger common good. It’s why I love playing with the BridgeBuilders stuff when God gies me a chance.

From there I traveled to Richmond and Norfolk and talked with people who represented a wide spectrum of thought on the nature of the church. I met with a Methodist minister who is a old friend, and ended up spending a couple of hours helping a young crack addict and alcoholic find his way back to Father’s heart and got him into rehab. He just walked in off the street while we were there visiting and asked for help. What a joy to see a Prodigal find his way home. I also met with a couple of home groups sorting out next steps in their journeys, a leadership team from a traditional congregation that weren’t at all sure how what to do with my rather unorthodox views, and ended in a home with a group of folks from around Richmond on various stages of the journey. Over a scrumptious barbeque I had the chance to converse with a broad array of people, from unbelievers, to some in traditional congregations and to long-time followers of Christ who have recently given up on institutional answers. What an evening! The next day I even got in a round of golf with a good friend from the DC area before heading home.

What a trip! I don’t know if I’ve ever been with such a vast array of people from across every imaginable spectrum and see so much of Father’s fingerprints in drawing people from wherever they are closer to himself. I came away absolutely exhausted in body and mind, though wonderfully refreshed in spirit. Then I got home to our multiple real estate deals to move to a different house. What a nightmare of forms, phone calls and decisions, but we are increasingly convinced that Father has something in mind through this move, so I keep pressing through it all. But it is far more complicated than I imagined and will be a major distraction over the next few weeks as we get everything done and our stuff moved into the new house. If you’re near LA during the second weekend of June and want to help, please let me know!

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The Insidious Bondage of Religious Obligation

Do you want to read over my shoulder gain in a recent email exchange?

I was introduced to Christianity in the Foursquare denomination about 16 yrs ago when I was 19. I had the deep fellowship with Christ, the love, the fruit, the peace and led many “naturally” to faith in Him. Came from a rebel background and really hung my hat on Jesus. Served Him and tried to please Him IN EVERY WAY. To make a long story short I had a sudden screeching halt to my faith about 2 years later when I sort of came upon a dry spell in my Christian faith and began asking God to “deepen my relationship” again with Him. I started asking Him the usual:”free me from anything not of you, and “show me any area in my life that’s not in line with you” prayers. Now usually this worked and I’d obey and be done with it. However this time it didn’t—and that began a long, long painful spiral down in my faith that took me years to finally recover from. I did the medication, the sweats, and the torturous thoughts…. and so on…. all because I began to feel that day God was asking to sort of DO what I could not DO. The level of obedience, and the bar of response to His holiness were going further and further up. In this case too high! I felt this uneasiness and distance began to settle in between Him and me. I started to hide from Him. I started to not want to talk with Him…for fear of being condemned [which was a first for me because I never knew Him to be anything but noncondmning]…so I became blocked FROM THE VERY ONE I NEEDED TO RUN TO THE MOST. It was if I was unable top appease the Lord and the pain that I felt I couldn’t reveal to Him because he was staring at me saying, “Obey!!” Somehow my mind eventually became an open target for fear and anxiety and my life went down the %^$%$#@#@ real fast. The funny thing about it was that as this happened sin sprang up in me more…and then I wanted to do stuff I never dreamed of doing (before)…so that made the condemnation even worse!

Can you shed some light on some of the dynamics that happened to me here at all????

My response: Your story unfortunately is not a rare one. Transformation by human effort always leads to increased performance anxiety, which leads failure, which leads to increased guilt, which leads to increased sin and the cycle continues. That’s what so insidious about the system of religious obligation. It takes our most noble intentions and hurls us down a path of guaranteed failure. It tunes our spiritual ears to the condemning, performance-based voices of our flesh, thinking they are his voice. That spirals us into the very kind of circumstances you describe.

Isn’t it great to learn, however, that that path leads not to life but to death? That’s why Paul said the mind set on the flesh is death. That is not only the mind that indulges the flesh, but also the mind that seeks to abstain from it, or the one that seeks to make the flesh please God. It can’t happen. Read Romans 8 again after what you’ve been through. I think you’ll see some wonderful things there.

I suspect God allowed you this season to break the power of religious obligation in your life, and allow you to go on in him in the spirit of Galatians 3, simply believing what you hear, and that not being demands for obedience, but his gentle winning of your heart and life in him. It’s the words of affection and security Father wants us to know so that you can live in a way that please him not out of obedience in your own effort, but out of affection that transforms us deep from within.

I’m sorry you’ve been through this, but the lesson is so valuable. Righteousness cannot come through the most well intentioned discipline, but through a growing relationship with the loving Father through the Son, our older-brother Jesus!

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