A South African Adventure III
I’ve moved on from Ladysmith and am spending my last six days in South Africa in Johannesburg and Pretoria with a lot of different groups of believers who are in various stages in this journey. If the taste yesterday is any indication, I’m in for a lovely time.
I love the grace God gives for me to be away from family for times like this. But every day I think of Sara and going home. I miss her terribly and can’t wait to be ‘at home’ once again with her. I’ve taking to telling people who ask where my home is, that it is wherever Sara is. And that’s true. If she were in South Africa right now, this would be home. But she’s not, so I anxiously anticipate my arrival there next Monday.
I want to share with you a letter I received Sunday from a woman in Ladysmith. She read it to me first and then gave me a copy. It brought tears to my eyes and I share it here for two reasons. One, it captures the passion of my heart and says volumes about why I do the travel I do. I am so grateful that Father touches people in this way as I travel about. But also, I know others who read this may just share her struggle and might be encouraged by her discovery to find him in their life as well:
I had a wonderful revelation of what a Father figure was from your talk yesterday. You see my father lost his father at the age of six months. I lost my father when I was four years old and my three daughters’ father was killed when they were under nine years old. So none of us ever knew how a father could love his kids, but we knew what our Heavenly Father was like and I know what a husband he has been to me.
I only realized this closeness and goodness of our Heavenly Father yesterday. So thank you! I have much to mediate on even at the age of 87!!! Also on the oneness in Christ—you explained that so well! God bless and keep strong.