A Wild Ride

A quote making the rounds today is sure a good one. As far as I know, no one has been able to ascertain who first wrote or spoke this:

“Life shouldn’t be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting….”Wow! What a ride! Thank You Lord!!!”

As long as we’re not talking about the burn-out due to human effort trying to accomplish God’s will, I embrace this point of view whole-heartedly. Whoever said life was about staying safe—doing only what serves my needs for comfort or convenience? What fun is that? This is an adventure with our older brother Jesus, as the kingdom of God makes itself known before the kingdoms of this world. Who wants to be on the sidelines watching that?

As I write this I have just been informed of a dear friend of mine who was airlifted out of a rural area to a hospital in New Guinea yesterday with a rampant infection in his left leg and a severe case of malaria in his lungs. This man is in his 60’s and could stay home with his children and grandchildren, but instead spends months at a time in some of the most difficult countries of our world to help people there live outside the box of organized religion. He’s in the game! Yes, he could be safer, but he couldn’t be freer! His name is Bob and I would invite you topray for him as God brings him to your mind.

One of the men who helped me write the current BodyLife article on the Tree of Life, sent this to following to me. He lives on Vancouver Island and does a bit of sailing. It resonated with my heart, and I wanted to pass it along to you:

This is an awesome journey but it often seems like launching into uncharted waters. Certainly ones beyond my knowledge and ability to navigate. Still “a ship is safe in harbor but that is not what ships are built for” Oceans of His love whilst perfectly safe for His children are at the same time wild, deep and untamed. Sometimes my heats quails as I am plunged with His wild abandon into the depths. He is so supremely confident in His ability and I am often brought to pause and gasp as He invites me along for the careening slalom ride down the mountainous waves and then eventually back up to the crests for a surfing experience. I am glad that there is a place of shelter as well as wild abandon in his heart. Is there an urgency in his voice these days or am I simply hearing His joyous cry as the ages draw closer to their end? I am not always sure but I am more and more sure of His amazing love and so in a way it doesn’t matter.

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Looking For Real Body Life

Our latest edition of The God Journey entitled Looking for Real Body Life has just been posted on our sister website thegodjourney.com.

During my recent trip to South Africa I met with many brothers and sisters who are in various stages of transition from the system of religious obligation and sorting out what it means to live as God’s people outside of institutional approaches. My experiences there provided an excellent backdrop for Brad and I to discuss further the transitions many of us go through and how some are finding meaningful expressions of body life around the world.

We’re also introducing some new changes with this podcast and would appreciate any suggestions or thoughts you might have on those.

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Why I Don’t Go to Church Revisited

During the last week of my stay in South Africa I got three emails from three different people with three very different reactions to my article, Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore. I thought you’d enjoy a chance to read over my shoulder, because some of you might have very similar questions or concerns. The first is from Timothy:

I am intrigued by your article, Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore . I found it while preparing for a Sunday School lesson on “What We Believe about the Church.” It was interesting to me that you didn’t use any scripture references within your article. How do you understand the exhortation of Hebrews 10:25: “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,” If you don’t meet with other believers?

This was my response to Timothy: I’m afraid you may not have read my article carefully enough. My point was that none of us really go to church, even those who think they do. I think the New Testament is clear that the church is God’s people on the earth not a building or an organization.

The reason I didn’t use ‘references’ in the article is because of its format. It’s not a treatise but a letter of explanation. Proof texts can be used to justify just about anything, unfortunately, and I much prefer to think Scripture through in context not in individual quotes that are distorted from their original meanings.

As to the Hebrews 10 passage to which you prefer, there are many of us finding far more effective ways to meet together by sharing Jesus-centered relationships over the whole of our lives, and not just attending a meeting once or twice a week with a roomful of strangers where participation is left to only a few up front. I realize it isn’t for everybody, but there are lots of people who are finding that the church is a living group of people who share the life of Jesus together as they grow in him.

There are some wonderful ways to discover God’s life with a group of people, outside the systems we’ve inherited over the generations. If those systems work for you, I don’t have any problem with that. I hope you can also make room for others who have found ways that are more effective for them in living out the reality of the New Testament.

Jesus is the head of the church after all, and it is far more important that we are following him than just fitting in to other people’s expectations.

Then I got this one from Lisa:

I stumbled over your web site one day while looking for help to know when is it o.k. if you leave the church that you are attending. Your article came up Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore, what a shock and relief it was to find that others share our frustrations. Your articles really challenge my thinking and give me hope. We have been under the impression that maybe we just have bad attitudes and we just need to conform to our leadership’s demands, suck it up, and hope things will get better. We can ‘t seem to find peace in that.

And finally I got this from Nancy:

I know that you are probably very busy – so I will understand if you don’t answer this. I just finished reading your article Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore . (I had typed in ‘I can’t do this anymore’ in my search box — and this is one of the things that came up. Trying to explain just why I typed that would take too long – and was caused by more than one thing). Anyway, I noticed that the article was written in May, 2001. I was wondering if you still don’t go to church anymore. The article voiced a lot of thoughts that I have had. I’m wondering how it is working out.

This was my response to Nancy: It always amazes me what God uses to bring people to Lifestream. I had a good laugh at your entry, though I’m sure it made sense to you. Someone else got here simply by searching for, “Am I nuts?” Funny!

Anyway, yes I still don’t ‘go’ to church. In fact I continue to meet hundreds of people who are thriving outside the structures of organized religion and are finding life in God and connections with other brothers and sisters to be greater than they ever imagined. What a deal! I am sitting in Atlanta airport at the moment connecting home from my trip to South Africa where I met hundreds of out of the box Christians who are growing by leaps and bounds…

It is interesting to discover that these are not focused at all by their ‘not’ going to church, but on the simplicity and joy of living as his church in the world… I hope that’s what you were asking. I don’t know what kind of journey you are on but pray that God continue to lead you closer to himself and free you to know the fullness of his life and joy.

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Atheist Unawares!

In Africa someone asked if I read Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan. I was ambivalent about the title, because I think in the Father is the safest place to be to be in all the universe. But the book wasn’t about that. It was about making God in our own image, so that we never think he can lead us into risky places or does things we don’t understand. I get that! Living in the Father’s reality is one constant adventure that frequently pushes us to our extremes. But that’s not because he isn’t safe, but because we trust ourselves more than him. I was able to read about a third of the book and loved what he was saying. Here’s one story from that book that is painfully true, unfortunately:

Author and theologian Os Guiness was over speaking in Australia when a Japanese CEO approached him. He said to Guiness, “When I meet a Buddhist monk, I meet a holy man in touch with another world. When I meet a western missionary I meet a manager who is only in touch with the world I know.”

And then Guiness adds this comment, “You could day that many Christians are atheists unawares.”

Atheist Unawares! Read More »

South African Adventure – Epilogue

I’ve been home for a few days now, trying to get my head back in my home time zone and trying to process the incredible experiences I had in South Africa. First of all, let me thank those of you who helped make this trip a reality—those who kept us in prayer and those who shared with us financially in the expenses and ministry of this trip. It was awesome in every way. I have posted some photos at Ofoto.com if you want to view them.

On my last Friday in South Africa Phillip and Vicky took me to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. What an awesome experience. This is more than a museum—it actually invites you into the experience of what apartheid felt like for oppressed and oppressor alike and allowed you to experience the triumph of its end and a fresh new hope for a country that faces incredible challenges in transitioning to a democracy that all can participate in equally.

I was struck by a number of things there—how easy it is to justify, even in theological terms, what serves our own self-interest, the oppression on indigenous peoples that European civilization exported to the world, and courage it took for the disenfranchised to stand up at great personal cost and demand liberation for the oppressed. Everyone hails Nelson Mandela as a gift from God to help build a new South African society that includes all races. I am reading his autobiography to understand how this man could have suffered so much and come out with heart for reconciliation and not vengeance. It is great reading

As we drove away from the museum that day I was greatly encouraged by those who put the ideal of freedom above their own personal expedience. Mandela spent 27 of his prime years in prison for treason because he dared to try to overthrow the apartheid regime. Many more were imprisoned, persecuted even killed for challenging the status quo. I was reminded of the many people I’d met in South Africa who have struggled to leave the religious institutions that have become such a part of Christianity to seek a greater life and freedom in the reality of Jesus. Many felt the were alone and one man said leaving the institution he’d been part of for life was like ‘crucifying his mother’. Many of you reading this know what it is to suffer the rejection of family and friends, maybe even mentors to you in the faith because you felt you could no longer fit in with a system of religious obligation that you found lifeless and empty. It is those first few years that are most difficult, and, yes, it can be painful to experience disapproval and judgment by people you care deeply about.

But in the end, it is just disapproval and that is an incredibly small price to pay to find your way into the life of God. No one is putting us in prison. No one is killing us, torturing our children or burning our homes. As people remind me often, “Do you realize they were killing people only 400 years ago for writing the things I write?” Yes I do know.

If people can give up their own self-interest for freedom in this age, how much more can we lay ours down for the freedom that supercedes all other freedoms—life in Christ? I know it may be difficult for a season, but no one I’ve met who has broken free of the system of religious obligation and discovered the life of God beyond it, has had any regrets. The life deeply lived in him is worth any cost or risk in this age. Let us pursue him with firm resolve, laying aside any thing that entangles us and love him more deeply than anything else. Who knows? We may yet suffer again for doing so, but the wealth within easily overrides any pain without!”

South African Adventure – Epilogue Read More »

Feasting on the Tree of Life

By Wayne Jacobsen with David Hebden and Paul Young
BodyLife • August 2005

For those who don’t think we truly died that day in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose the knowledge of good and evil over the Tree of Life, you only have to look at the human drive for personal fulfillment. Isn’t it a search for life itself? I don’t mean physical life that comes with breath and nourishment. I mean the deep, inner sense of peace and fulfillment that comes from a life well lived in the heart of God.

That’s what he created us for and everyone is looking for it in one way or another, even when they don’t realize that he is the only source of it. Many think they’ll find life if they could just find the ideal job, mate, or dream home, or circumstances free of pain or anxiety. Very few, ever get all of those to line up at the same time, and those who do, even if only for a brief time, have assured us that these things are no guarantee of true life. In fact, ideal circumstances can expose how empty our inner life really is. Just ask Solomon. All our temporal joys are fleeting and with each passing day we are all reminded by our aches and pains, both physical and emotional, that we are slowly dying and there is nothing we can do to change that.

Jesus warned us that life doesn’t consist of one’s possessions. It is not found in what one owns or controls. It doesn’t even come from finding the ideal church. True life, quite simply is the practical, knowable presence of Jesus in the reality of our days. It is an inner sense of safety and provision that our whole being is in his hands, and the fulfillment that comes from engaging his purpose in the world. This life isn’t derived from circumstances, and in fact supersedes them all. It endures the most horrendous situations and even uses them to transform us ever more to be God’s reflection in the world. I’ve watched people live in its beauty and serenity even in the most severe places of need and pain.

Jesus promised his followers again and again that his kingdom would flood their hearts with the abundance of life. He compared it to a spring of refreshing water flowing out of them and assured them that his words had in mind the fullness of their joy. These are the promises and assurances of the New Covenant – the joy of eternal life in this age with ever-increasing glory and its fullness in the age to come.

But not all believers find their way into that reality. Some do, most certainly, while others seem to search for it through a seemingly endless cycle of emptiness and frustration?


The Life that Really Is Life

This article is a bit different. I have two co-contributors* (some might say co-conspirators) on this piece and that’s because this is less an original article than it is an attempt to put into words something that is already coursing through the veins of the body of Christ. Over the last year I have heard numerous people from all over the world share a similar insight that has had a profound effect on transforming their spiritual lives. It has helped them find freedom from the flesh-focused attempts to please God or themselves, and allowed them to live simply in his reality. I’ve asked two of these to work on this piece with me so that we might blend our thoughts together.

Describing ‘life’ to one who has never tasted it is like describing color to someone who has been blind from birth. Even though something inside all of us searches for it desperately, it is not easy to actually define. It’s something you have to experience to appreciate and even then, it can vanish again overnight to the gnawing demands of this age. Some give up the pursuit, jaded by their disappointments. Others hope for better days, but live constantly frustrated that it eludes them. Still others pursue a relentless search to find it again. But many find that the harder they try to grasp it, the more surely it slips from their fingers.

But this doesn’t have to be. Jesus wants nothing more than to lead you into the fulfillment of an ever-deepening relationship with him. Nothing substitutes for this, not a good book, insightful teaching, doctrine or even expression of community life. Religion can’t produce it, which is why there is no correlation between someone’s religious zeal or activity and the depth of God’s life they experience.

Where is that life? It is in Him alone (I John 5:11-12), and only by learning to feast on him as the Life itself, will we ever know the reality that our hearts desperately long for. But that takes eating from a different tree than the one we’ve grown accustomed to.


An Independence of Painful Consequence

The drama of creation opened in a Garden called Eden where the physical creation was intermingled with spiritual reality in such a way that it was nearly impossible to determine where one stopped and the other started. The Genesis story of the Garden is dominated by the presence of two trees around which the destiny of humanity would revolve. Both trees had a spiritual essence and dramatic spiritual consequences would result from eating the fruit of either one.

The first tree was the Tree of Life. Adam and Eve were invited to eat of it freely and it would provide spiritual life that would make them immortal. But God strongly warned them about the other tree – the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Though it would open their eyes to good and evil it would also bring them certain death.

Their choice to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ripped the fabric of the universe in two, separating the physical and spiritual dimensions. The consequences were immediate and fatal. They knew good and evil, but knowing they had partaken of evil flooded them with shame. No longer safe with each other, they sought coverings to hide themselves from each other and to hide from the God with whom they had walked with every day in the creation. Death had begun its work.

What had they done? Why did this one simple act rend apart the universe? How could the eating of the fruit of this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil been so disastrous? To put it simply, this was their grand declaration of independence. Until that moment only God had defined for them what was good and what was not good (evil). Creation was good, very good. Man being alone in the garden was not good.

In one tragic act, they had taken it upon themselves to determine what was good and not good for them apart from their relationship to God. They had said, “It is good to eat of this Tree” even though God had said it was not good. And they were wrong. Though they now possessed the knowledge to determine good and evil, they had no capacity to choose the good. They could only live by their own perception of what would make them happy, not by God’s truth. The result truly was death – spiritual first, with physical death to follow.


Not By Principles Alone

What an unfortunate inheritance! Instead of living in God’s goodness they sought to establish their own, which turned out not to be goodness at all. Their selfishness and independence brought death into the world, the very fruit God said the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bear. Living by our own desires and doing what we think is best for our own lives, no matter how well intentioned, will leave us bereft of his life.

Sadly enough that is not only true of our fleshy pursuits; it is also true of our spiritual aspirations. We may even think we know what God wants for us, but once we begin to use our own wisdom and preferences to get there, we often end up unwittingly working against him. Jesus exposed how easy it was for the Pharisees to use the law to subvert the law. Instead of honoring their parents by giving them what they needed, they would declare their possessions ‘dedicated to God’ so they could keep it for themselves with all the religious justification that made them look holy. (Mark 7).

That’s why we love following principles more than following Him. We can interpret principles in whatever way suits us. Even New Testament principles can be twisted to justify whatever we want and by doing so, death again works in us. How many people in the name of Jesus have exploited, and betrayed others, certain they were doing what was right? I’ve heard Scripture quoted to justify the most absurd desires – from building extravagant buildings, to treating others unjustly or pretending to withhold God’s grace to punish those that will not conform.

Subtly we are drawn into the mistaken notion that by gathering enough evidence from Scripture or the experiences of other believers, we can conclude what is good for us in any situation. However, failing to see how our own affections and desires shape our interpretations, we turn out to be wrong 90% of the time. Who of us would have confirmed Hosea’s obedience to marry the prostitute, Jesus’ surrender to his trial and execution, or Paul’s journey into Jerusalem and certain imprisonment?

We may believe that the Father only gives His children good gifts. Jesus said so, claiming his Father would never give us stones for bread or a snake instead of a fish. But if we take it upon ourselves to judge those gifts on our own terms, we’ll convince ourselves that the bread he’s giving is actually a rock that will hurt us. Some of the things in my own life which I most ardently prayed against, and was devastated when they unfolded, turned out to be the very tools he was using to carve his image in me.

Give Us A Model!

“But what does it look like?”

Whether I’m talking about personal intimacy with Jesus, or body life in his family, this is the most frequently asked question I get. And I always hesitate to answer. It’s not that I don’t know what it looks like. I do! It’s just that it can look like a lot of different things depending on the person or people involved. God’s creativity is limitless and though there are consistent underlying priorities to the way he works, those who want to know what it looks like instead of knowing him, will end up caught in someone’s model rather than following the Master himself.

Jesus didn’t leave us with models and that with good reason. He knew that any model could be easily exploited for personal gain. Instead he left us with his Holy Spirit who would guide us into all truth.

If our focus is on implementing models, no matter how Scriptural we think them to be, instead of living by the Spirit we will miss out on the fullness of his life. Don’t get me wrong. Using the Scriptures as an objective compass certainly is a significant factor in knowing how God thinks and how God works in the world. But it does not begin to cover every situation with a principle or every task with a model. It invites us to know him, and only by following him will we find the life that really is life.

In our best efforts to apply principles or implement models we will end up judging good and evil for ourselves. Though we think we’re following Scripture, we won’t realize when we are only following our misguided interpretation of it. We will still seek to please our flesh on religious terms while convincing ourselves it is his leading. Meanwhile our mindset is still on the flesh and what is most comfortable for us, and that can only lead to death. As long as I am judging what is good and evil for myself, even the most well intentioned of us will end up marooned on the beach of our own reason.


A New Covenant

I know many cringe when I encourage individual believers to listen to Jesus and follow him. We all know people who claimed to be obeying Jesus as they divorced their spouse for an illicit love or started some outlandish ministry to their own ego. But don’t let the abuse of something rob you of its reality. One of the greatest bondages perpetrated by religion is that Jesus is not able to make his way clear to each of us who want to follow him.

Isn’t that what Jeremiah prophesied and the writer of Hebrews said that the death of Christ fulfilled?

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord:
I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And                                   they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me,                                   from the least of them to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:10-11)

How often do teachers tell us we don’t need them or that we each have an anointing from the Spirit to discern truth and error? The New Testament underscores it multiple times. That’s not to say teaching can’t be a blessing to us, but if that teaching does not equip us to cultivate our own relationship with Jesus, it robs us of what he desires most. The life of Jesus cannot be lived second-hand. You can’t find it by following guidelines and principles laid down by others, even the most gifted teachers. We experience his life only in a personal relationship where we learn to live in his purpose with his wisdom. That’s a daily reality each of us is invited to live. Do I really trust people to live like that? That’s not the point. I trust him who is able to lead his sheep, even the least of them, because they will know his voice.

He can make his way clear to you by the growing convictions that nestle in your heart as you draw close to him. Don’t worry. Following Jesus as he writes his words on your heart will not take you further from the reality of Scripture, but closer to it. He will not serve your agenda, but dethrone it as he invites you into the fullness of his life. For there is no resurrection life unless we first die to our own ambitions, our own demands and our own wisdom.


Dieing to the Right

Those I meet who live deeply in the life of Jesus have one thing in common: they are not using Christianity to get their way, but have abandoned their right to decide what is good or not good for themselves. That was the independence of the Garden and it will betray us every time. Even Jesus refused to do it. “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” (John 5:30)

If Jesus didn’t trust his own judgment, how can we? To live in his life we have to die to the right to judge anything on our terms and learn to live out of our relationship to Father. To think we can figure out the great puzzle he is putting together, not only in our lives, but also in the lives of others around us and the church around the world, is to assume intelligence none of us possesses.

Imagine how our lives would change if we stopped wasting the energy we spend frustrated over past events or worried about future ones and used it instead to draw near to him and learn to listen to his heartbeat? He wants to lead us and for us to trust him even through the most brutal circumstances. Clearly he is capable of using even horrendous evil to advance his purpose in us. That doesn’t mean we’ll ever celebrate evil, or even that God orchestrates it, but neither will we ever give up in the face of it. Joseph was a great example here. He recognized that God was using the great evil his brothers had plotted against him to put Joseph in the very place that would fulfill his wider purpose.

The decision not to judge anything has for me been a very conscious decision with deep and profound ramifications. While I am constantly tempted to decide what is good or evil I don’t have the finished picture nor do I have all the puzzle pieces. I am only one piece in the puzzle myself and my place is not to move other pieces around but to simply rest in His hand and let Him put me where He will. I don’t even have to seek out my place in the puzzle!


At Rest in His Work

I’ve thought a lot lately about Peter walking on the water. What if Peter had not let the sea and wind distract him from Jesus? He might have ended up standing beside Jesus, surveying the roiling waves and tossed boat, ready for whatever Jesus wanted to do next. Yet I have more often been like Peter, crying out to him in the midst of the tumultuous seas that I ‘know’ are dangerous. Once you give up deciding for yourself whether or not the seas and the wind are dangerous you will find yourself beside Him surveying the scene secure that it is in his hands. He may see it as good and that what is ‘not good’ he will take care of anyway.

I am learning albeit, very slowly, to simply be thankful in everything including the tumults that rage in my own mind and watch in awe as He uses them as opportunities to teach me to walk on water. As long as we live to our own agenda, even what we think God might desire for us, we will miss out on the very life he is giving to us. I find my prayers changing from “God, change this!” to “Father, how are you working in this for your glory?”

When we die to the right to determine good and evil for ourselves we find the freedom to feast on the tree of Life. No longer growing frustrated when our comfort zones are breeched, we are free to see his purpose unfold and not be bogged down by our agenda. Now we are free to live in his life, not be plagued by our own agenda. This has a three-fold effect:

Freedom from our Unresolved Past: Instead of whipping ourselves with blame, or remaining paralyzed as a victim of someone else’s bondage, we can see him draw a line of purpose through our past. There is nothing so heinous that he cannot work into his plan for our lives. There is no failure that his mercy cannot overcome. In Father’s hands, even the most painful events in our past become places where he transforms us and builds his compassion for other wounded lives into our hearts.

Freedom from our Imagined futures: Jesus warned us to, “Take no thought for tomorrow” and “Be anxious for nothing.” How much of our energy for living is sapped because of our fears and anxieties about the future. But God does not live in our imagined futures. When we do, we live apart from him, which is why stress overcomes us there. By determining what good we want or what evil we must prevent, we end up manipulating everything and everyone around us.

Freedom to Live In the Moment: Jesus had the amazing ability to live in each moment with his eyes and ears on his Father. By living in each moment, free of the past, unharried by the future and divested of his own agenda, he could live in the middle of Father’s life and purpose as circumstances unfolded around him.

This is the tree Jesus wants you to feast from and the power of his cross makes it possible. As he reveals his love to you, you too, will find yourself increasingly skeptical of your own agenda and preferences. Instead of wasting all your efforts trying to sculpt your life the way you want it, you’ll find the joy of living in the middle of his purpose working out in you. You’ll be able to embrace him and his work in you as easily in times of trouble as in times of ease. And by standing in his unfolding purpose you will know the truest joy of being his son or daughter in the world.


*Other contributors to this article:

David Hebden and his wife, Mary, live in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and their husky, malamute and three geese. He is the father of two grown boys.

Paul Young is the blessed father of six and lives with his wife, Kim, outside Portland, OR in Eagle Creek where they have recently discovered the presence of poison oak – decidedly a part of the curse.

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Articles in Chronological Order | Articles by Content

Feasting on the Tree of Life Read More »

A South African Adventure V

We have reached the day of my departure. In a couple of hours I will be heading to the airport and the long flight home. I honestly can’t wait to reconnect with my family there. This has been an awesome trip and the last weekend in the Johannesburg and Pretoria area has been no exception. I have met so many believers hearing God say similar things about escaping the clutches of religious obligation to live in the life and freedom of Jesus. It is truly a call that has gone out over the whole world. We need to live to him a lone, and not be seduced into any system of man that seeks to replace his living presence with rituals, traditions and regulations.

Yesterday morning I met with a large group of Christians in Pretoria in a lovely home overlooking the national government buildings of South Africa. They had left the reformed church they had all grown up in some years before at God’s leading, even though they were misunderstood and rejected by close friends and family. They were seeking a place in the reality of God’s presence they had not found yet. They had a copy of an earlier incarnation of The Naked Church that had spurred them on from more than 15 years ago. When I came in they were in a large circle with pens and notebooks ready asking me to share with them how to live in the affection of the Father of all! I now know just a little bit what Peter felt when he showed up at the House of Cornelius. The four hours I had with them flew by and I could hardly pull myself away. What an awesome group of people, and I hope to cross paths with them again.

Then I spent my remaining hours with some out-of-the-box believers around Johannesburg. Last night we were in a coffee shop exploring the power of the cross. This morning we went on an hour and a half walk through the bush and then spent a few hours cooking breakfast on portable cookers and sharing our lives together. They do this ever few weeks as God leads and it was such an amazing expression of body life. Young people and unbelievers joined us as well because they just enjoy being together and sharing life. What a great way to hang out as the body! As excited as I ham to get home, I have been deeply touched by my many experiences here and the people I have met. May God lead them with his great grace into ever-deeper expressions of his love. I do hope to return someday. They have all said I must bring Sara when I do. Amen!

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Helping South Africa

After my > South African Adventure II Blog, Jason wrote to ask about how people might give to the need here. Her’s his comment:

I am overwhelmed by your accounts of Africa and the dire circumstances of so many. This has made such an impression on me (a sad one). However, for believers, pain and suffering are limited to this life only and that provides the hope that we desperately need.

Wayne, with so many agencies that need money to run, could you please help us know which ones are legitimate and are focussed on the people of Africa? Also, how else can we help these people in a way that matters? Perhaps you do not have the answers, but perhaps you could tell us who to contact to find how we could help.

There are obviously lots of agencies, but I am convinced that God works through relationships and connects us with people he wants us to know and through whom we can channel our giving. The poverty and AIDs pandemic in Africa is not an easy problem to sort out. You just can’t throw lots of money at it and fix it.

I know some people now who work on the front lines of care in the township of Tzuma near Durban and some people near Ladysmith who help feed families whose provider is no longer alive. If anyone wants to help them you can send money to Lifestream and we’ll ensure that it gets to Africa and that it will be used to care for those who are suffering and that these people do it with the love of the father and not by manipulating people into religious constructs. While we were in Durban we saw people combine their funds to buy a truck for the outreach in Tzuma. They had no way to get around to help people, in a township of 500,000 people or to get people to medical care or gather supplies to feed the children that they feed weekly. If you’d like to direct any money to that group of people, please designate it for Tzuma and we will be able to pass it along. It will be greatly appreciated.

Or perhaps God has given you other contacts—people to support or food to buy. Don’t think God has related you to anyone by accident. Through those he has given you, freely share his abundance that we all in the West so easily take for granted.

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A South African Adventure IV

In my first few days in Johannesburg I got to know a couple from Zimbabwe who had come down to meet me during my stay. They are an older couple, hot on the path of living out the life of Jesus and we enjoyed so much swapping stories and the things God has shown us in our journeys. They were such a joy to be with, especially given the dire circumstances where they live.

The revolution in Zimbabwe has been devastating. Now run by a dictator who bulldozes the homes of anyone who disagrees with him, the economy has collapsed. Crime is rampant and today the Zimbabwe dollar trades for $30,000.00 US and it costs more than a million dollars just to go get groceries and food is incredibly scarce. Over 90% of the white population has fled the country in recent years to find better conditions elsewhere.

They told me a story about a friend of theirs, a dentist that had moved to Australia some years earlier as the country was collapsing. After he was there a few years he felt God ask him, “Why are you here?” As he thought about the trouble in his home country and the better life he was able to make for his family in Australia. Then the Lord continue to speak to him. “You can live in a first-world country naturally but spiritually it is a third world country. Or you can live in a third-world country in the natural but in actuality is a first world country spiritually.” Within a few months he moved back to Zimbabwe where he remains today.

The courage and passion of people who are led by God to stay in a country so broken, when most of their friends have fled was inspiring to me. Pray for them and others throughout Zimbabwe who live in the midst of such incredible need yet continue to grow so deeply in the life of Jesus.

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The Gospel Jesus Preached

Our latest edition of The God Journey entitled The Gospel Jesus Preached has just been posted on our sister website thegodjourney.com. This was recorded before Wayne left for South Africa

So many of our institutional approaches to the life of Jesus are formulated around a truncated gospel—one that is incomplete and thus focused on the wrong priorities. Jesus didn’t preach the gospel of the church or even a gospel of salvation. He taught the gospel of the kingdom—where his Father reigns over all. When we lose sight of that we end up with incomplete pictures of his work in us and the world and invest our time and energies into that which matters little. We introduced you to Tom Mohn in our fourth podcast and in this one we use more of Wayne’s interview with Tom to help us focus our hearts on that which counts most. I think you’ll really enjoy this!

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