Amen! Amen! Amen!

A friend from South Africa just sent me this and I thought many of you would enjoy it too. It is an extract of an article in response to Christianity Today of August 2002:

Research had shown the leading influences in American society to be movies, television, the Internet, books, music, public policy and law and family. The Church was not among the top dozen.

“About the future of the Church, George Barna comments: “There are a number of high-profile pastors who have been saying that the local church is the only hope for the future. As emotionally comforting as that may feel, its just wrong. Jesuc Christ is the only hope for the future; the local church is a human institution that God may or may not work through.

“In the near future we will inevitably see new models of the local church that don’t look or behave like the congregational church we have historically fostered. Those new models – as far as they enable us to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength – are just as valid and viable as existing models. The more we can place our faith in Jesus Christ and follow the teachings of the Bible rather than devote energy and resources to saving institutions and structures we created, the better off we’ll be”

Though most of you know I hate the word models when used of life in Father’s family, I think he gets it mostly right here. Perhaps a better word would be that we’ll see new expressions of local church life as we listen to the Head not try to design a better a better mousetrap to stuff people into. In fact, those new expressions are already covering the world. I’ve seen many of them in places throughout the world. But they happen not where people are looking for a way to do ‘church’, but where they are seeking to live deeply in relationship to Jesus and finding ways to care for each other as a family. Their emphasis is not on meetings and starting some ‘thing’, but on following him as the source of all life an connecting with others as God gives opportunity. Then he will make clear how to share that life together in a way that stimulates each other spiritually and makes his life available to the world around us.

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‘Out of the Church’ Christians? How Can This Be?

Our latest edition of The God Journeyentitled ’Out of the Church’ Christians? has just been posted on our sister website

A recent letter by New Zealander Andrew Strom has caused a bit of a stir by many who are thinking outside the box of organized religion. He addresses what he calls out-of-the-church Christians, which we think is a bit of an oxymoron. How can a Christian be outside the church? His observations and accusations provide a springboard to discuss life outside the box and give us each an opportunity to reflect on our own personal journey and how it is sorting out in our lives. Wayne and Brad examine this letter along with many who added their comments to our earlier blog.

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Man’s Schemes and God’s Invitation – One Couple’s Journey

I’m going to let you read over my shoulder again, this time through a recent email exchange over a couple of months with a couple in Canada. Their story represents what so many go through in this incredible process of moving outside the confines of religion and connecting again with the freshness of relationship with Jesus that they had before. They express so well the challenges and questions that many face in this process. They wanted their story to encourage others and when you see what their hearts hunger for at the end, I’m sure it will. I realize the choices God is asking you to make might be very different, but learning to follow him freely is critical to us growing in his life:

We’re in a real transition right now. Our pastor has asked us to become members and has offered us ministry positions. At first the thought of it all excited us, and we must admit we were flattered and felt important. With still many questions and doubts we agreed believing this must be God’s will for us, certainly He would want us to be in ministry, wouldn’t He?

Well, we are not becoming members in fact we believe that God may be calling us out of that place all together. As you may guess our Pastor is not happy and fully intends to hold us to our word and what he thinks God wants for us! We did agree to becoming members and it was implied that we would accept those ministry positions, but now we believe that would be so wrong for us and would possibly even be a trap for us that we would have great difficulty getting out of, or maybe even destroy us. We have repented for our spoken words, we have sincerely asked for our forgiveness from those who heard us speak those words. Isn’t that enough? God has let us know, that we are forgiven, fully pardoned. Doesn’t God’s word overrule all others?

My response: No one who knows God and how he works would ever ask you NOT to follow your heart as you seek him. This man sounds like a real manipulator and has no power to hold you to a commitment you have since reconsidered. While we should never treat our word lightly, when we have made a commitment we realize to be in error, we are free to retract it and follow what God has put on your heart. Not taking a ministry position is like breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. It only takes one vote not two. If it is not on your heart, follow God wherever he leads you.

I believe we may have made those decisions out of our deep desire to fit in and to be accepted. Isn’t typical that if we do not go along with what others want we no longer fit in and are no longer accepted? All of the sudden friends have a strange distance. Maybe that’s because they were never genuine friendships to begin with? Was it always about the ministry and building it rather than loving people? Why is our Pastor so disappointed? Someone even said that he was devastated? What? We didn’t die, we just don’t agree with the plans that he has for us.

My response: You have to realize that most religious institutions are about fitting in and going along. That’s what gains approval. Conversely, people who don’t do what they are told are often ‘punished’ by distance and exclusion. People will accuse them of being independent and rebellious. That’s what makes environments like this so destructive. Friendships only work as long as people are committed to the same task. It is really very sad. And your pastor’s ‘devastation’ is just another tool to manipulate you, like a young child pouting when they don’t get their way. Don’t think you have to satiate that attitude.

We hope that we will accept and love those we may leave behind, but the question is will they do the same for us? Will they even think even for a moment that there is something wrong with their system or will we just be written off as drifters, unsubmitted, uncommitted, or will they say, “ah, we don’t need them any way”? They would be absolutely right to think that they don’t need us! In fact, who they need is God! That is maybe the biggest part of the problem! We seem to depend on man and our man-made systems rather than to depend on the living God, our Provider, Deliverer, Redeemer, Source, Inspiration, Healer, Friend, Compass, Guide, Counselor, King, Our Father! That is who I need. Lord grant us the courage and faith to say, “Though none go with me still I will follow, I have stood alone, everyone abandoned me, but I was not alone for You stood with me, You strengthened and comforted me!

My response: You’re right! Others may exclude you, but that might also change in the future. Sometimes the people, who most punish us for getting out, are secretly hoping we’ll find life and grace outside. It is likely they are miserable too, but feel they have to stay in there. Don’t feel you have to convince or prove anything to anyone. Just do quietly and gracefully what God has asked you to do, keeping your heart open to all, but never forcing yourself on them. In time you will come to know who your real friends are there, and what others God might bring into your life.

It has been about two weeks since we informed the pastor and some other friends that we would no longer be attending their fellowship. It wasn’t well received. In fact some people think that we are deeply deceived. But to us it feels like a real load off! It just feels right! About a year ago we really believed that God was calling us out but we were disobedient! We buckled to pressure from our pastor. He was so strong that we wondered if we were hearing God. We talked to another pastor who didn’t know us, or our pastor, and he even said we should submit to our pastor and stay. Wow! We thought we were wrong so we stayed another year. During that year the quiet persistence of God did not go away, we could find no peace in staying no matter how hard we tried to press in, no matter what attractive ministry positions were given us.

So, here we are and I must admit that it’s a little scary, but we are in no hurry to seek out a new place to go. We are really grateful for the kind words of one friend who advised us to take our time and reacquaint ourselves with God. That confirmed what we were already sensing. We desperately need to get reacquainted with Him again, the business of ministry and programs seems to have stolen something from us. Lately I have just been singing out to God “I miss you!”

I would like to encourage others to follow their hearts! Others may not agree or understand but it’s only in His will that we are free! Thank God for His forgiveness of our mistakes and that He gave us another opportunity for freedom. God is very, very patient with us, but if we don’t listen, after a time our hearts could become hardened to His voice and our opportunity missed.

We are so grateful to have been able to have access to your web sites. It all came at a time when we were struggling with the decision that we have found very little support or understanding. You are a breath of fresh air!

And the moral of the story is simple: Follow the Lamb wherever he leads you. If he asks you to stay where you are, stay! If he is calling you out to know him in a deeper way, then go. But do not do what you do to gain the approval of friends or those who think themselves leaders, which will only lead to confusion and emptiness. Jesus can be trusted! That’s the great truth religion must obscure. You need us! You must follow us! You will whither up and die without us. Not true. Jesus can be trusted. He can gather his flock and lead them to safe pasture. (Ezekiel 34).

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Invited Into A Greater Reality

Sara and I are reading through Hebrews again in our morning prayers before she heads off for work. Something we read this morning really caught my eye. As the writer opens chapter 9 he talks about the old covenant and the temple and how all the facets of that system were just a shadow of a greater reality. They were not reality itself. Then he writes (and I quote from The Message:

”Under this system, the gifts and sacrifices can’t really get to the heart of the matter, can’t assuage the conscience of the people, but are limited to matters of ritual and behavior.

My heart breaks for the brothers and sisters who only know the Christian life as a series of rituals or a battle to live by certain ethics. That’s the old covenant cloaking itself in new covenant terms. This life in Christ is so much better than fulfilling obligations and trying to live by the rules. It is an invitation into a relationship with him that shapes every day that we live and our lives to look like him in the world. Why would we settle for anything less?

Having just returned from six days in Washington State, I saw this contrast in so many places—people living in the reality of relationship and people living in the shadow of rituals and behavior. And this was a strange trip for me stateside. The first three days I spent with a leadership team of a seeker-sensitive congregation. This is not a usual venue for me, but I met some incredible people who are seeing beyond the programs to hunger for a full and free life in Jesus, both with him and in relationships to others. I talked about barriers to authentic relationships both with God and with each other. One man came up to me afterward and said, “I know I don’t look like it, but I feel 40 lbs lighter after this weekend.”

Then I spent the last three days with people who are living outside traditional congregational structures. Some were thriving in the freedom of this life in Christ, while others were just beginning to see the freedom beyond the religious bondage they have been captive to for so many years. (We even had a few who were still well embedded into religious ways of thinking and so filled with ambition and agenda that it was tough having a normal conversation with them. Hopefully we planted some seeds there too!)

I was even asked questions like “Is it OK to mow the lawn on the Sabbath?” (Absolutely as long as your conscience is free to! In the New Covenant the Sabbath is a life of rest in Father from our own labors, and the freedom to walk in his, rather than a day for rule-keeping!) And, “If I don’t submit to what my pastor is saying, am I stretching out my hand against God’s anointed?” (Absolutely not! The New Testament could never have conceived of a pastor-person like we have today as the center of body life. Nor did they affirm anyone who would ask people to violate their conscience in deference to their supposed leadership. Leaders help people follow Jesus, not stand in their way as they do it.)

The freshness of hunger and meeting more of those willing to take great risks to pursue the call to life that God has put within them always inspires me. On the last night I got to check in with some folks I’ve met before and to see how some of them have grown in greater freedom, evident even on their countenances, was also a real joy. You could literally see the life of Jesus that had liberated them. That’s the joy of this covenant. Rituals and behaviors are a cheap substitute indeed for the life that really is life!

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Places to Give In A Time of Great Need

Who cannot help but be touched by the incredible human tragedy unfolding in Mississippi and Louisiana? I was on the road when this all unfolded and have watched in grief since my return at the desperation of human need, the inability to get aid to the survivors. What a mess! I hope many of you who have some extra are finding ways to share the burden of those people. The Red Cross is of course a great place to give to deal with the practical needs of food, water, shelter and medical care.

Someone I know also recommended Mennonite Disaster Service. You can donate on-line and here’s what they said about these people as they arrived to help after Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida a few years ago:

After Andrew, they were the most excellent witness for Christ, and I know that they’ve done a lot of work in Louisiana and the other Gulf states. They just SHOW UP, with willing hands, tools, (and materials if you’re too poor to buy them). Men AND women of all ages–most of them Midwest farmers who know how to build just about anything–come to your neighborhood and start doing whatever needs doing. No gospel tracts, no hard-sell just quiet, joyful work. Even some of the most hardened victims have to ask them WHY they do what they do, and they say it’s for Jesus. They rebuilt many homes in Homestead, put on countless roofs…

May God make himself known in incredible ways in the face of such horrible tragedy. May he sustain those who suffer in the aftermath of this hurricane and give wisdom and courage to all those who are able to help in this time.

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Find Someone to Encourage Today

I got an email this weekend while I was traveling about Washington State from Adam, a 22-year-old who works with a campus ministry in Kentucky. I can’t tell you how much his words refreshed me personally and encouraged me to give my life afresh to what God has asked me to do. I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with you:

I stumbled across your site about a year-and-a-half ago, and my life hasn’t quite been the same since. Your article Why I Don’t Go to Church Anymore is one of my favorite things to read in times of discouragement on the road to a different way of doing this thing we’ve so often cheated ourselves out of–the Church.

This email really doesn’t have much of a point, other than to say thank you. I read your articles and pass them on to friends, and my life is honestly better because of what you’ve written, but more importantly because of what you’ve done. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to check up on your site every so often and find that someone is actually doing this “dangerous” thing that so many claim can’t be done–living a healthy spiritual life in community outside of the institutional church. So, my prayers are continually with you, and I’ll be visiting your site, like always, as I search for guidance on my own journey. Here’s an honest “thank you.’

It amazes me how much strength and joy we can draw from a simple word of encouragement. Maybe that’s why the author of Hebrews told us to look for ways to encourage one another daily. Is there someone in your life who has had a profound impact on your own journey? Have you taken the time recently to tell them how much they have meant to you? You’ll never know how much they might gain from your simple words of affirmation from you. Why don’t you take some time and give them a call or write them an email today and let them know how Jesus has used them to touch and encourage you?

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It’s Flyday!

Sorry it’s been so quiet of late, but I’ve been on the road in the Seattle area for the past five days. I’ve been with a wide diversity of people and I wish I had time to tell you about it… But, I have to head for the airport in a few moments and have been in conversations with people almost nonstop. No time to write. Sorry! But I’ve met some fabulous folks at various stages of the journey, and now in the last couple of days with some old friends I have visited before.

Now it is home for two days and then I go again, but this time Sara goes with me, as do daughter Julie and granddaughter Aimee, so that will be fun. And I also understand the family will be over tonight. That’s why I love Flydays… I love getting back to those whom my heart loves so much. I wonder if dying some day will be like that. Just another Flyday to be near those my heart has loved so much. That would bee cool! Blessings on you all.

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Religion’s Antidote

Our latest edition of The God Journey entitled Religion’s Antidote has just been posted on our sister website

Why do passionate disciples of the Living God continue to get caught in the system of religious obligation? Because they have not understood that God has satisfied in himself all that he would ever require of us to have full and complete access to his presence. He did that in the cross of Jesus Christ, and if we understood the power of the cross, we would never fall victim again to the manipulations and appeals of religious obligation. In their latest podcast Brad and Wayne discuss what happened at the cross and how it frees us from the bondage of religion so that we can live together as Father’s family.

In the morning, I am off to Seattle and a weekend retreat there with a group from a nontraditional fellowship and then some time in the Tacoma and Port Orchard area with some old friends and some new ones…

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Living Free from Expectations

It seems there is fresh interest these day from a number of people about Authentic Relationships, , especially the part about how our expectations of others destroy authenticity in those relationships

Here’s a question I got from Chris today:

I really liked this section in your book. But I’m not really exactly sure “how” to live it out. I keep thinking “shouldn’t I want non-believers to come to Jesus and lethargic Christians to be revived in their life with God?” But then it seems like I’m trying to push my agenda on people. So “how” do I treat people in such a way as to not put expectations on them?

Here was my response: Wanting people to respond rightly isn’t a problem. Demanding that they do, or treating them with disappointment when they don’t, is the problem. External conformity is never God’s goal anyway, but inner transformation that grows out of their relationship with him.

In that vain, all we have to do is love people! Take an interest in them. Serve them where you can, but never pushing our agenda on them. Servants never push anyway. They always are responding to what others are doing or desiring. I am having so much fun just loving people in their space and time, not thinking I love them by getting them to do what I think is best. It makes relationships so much more real and genuine and takes all the exploitation and manipulation out of it.

I hope that helps. That’s the way Jesus treats you after all. He loves you where you are. He invites you to better things if you’ll come, but he doesn’t badger you at every moment with his expectations or reject you when you disappoint him. Watching him do that with us, is the best tool to learning how to do it with others. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have wonderful desires for us. He does. But he realizes we can only experience them when we freely choose to come, not when we’re manipulated into it.

Another letter I got recently from Aida, might be helpful here as well:

I just want you to know how much your website means to me as I am walking this journey into greater relationship with my Father. I have also been reading “Authentic Relationships” & I see God freeing me of expectations. He is freeing me from feeling as though I have to meet others expectations of me, but even more importantly He is freeing me of my unfair expectations of others. Your teachings on false expectations have enabled me to see how destructive they are. I attend a denominational institution with my husband. Basically, I go to the Sunday morning service & most Wednesday nights. Sundays used to be very hard for me. After sitting for so long & listening to a boring sermon, it ruined the rest of the day. However, the last few weeks have been different, as I’ve changed my focus.

I have now freed that pastor from my expectations that he or that institution should meet my needs. I look to God for that. Most Sundays, I don’t listen to the sermon, since for the most part it’s not very helpful. I may read the Scripture & meditate on it myself or I might pray for him & for other people. I used to feel guilty about that, but now I don’t. The reason I go is to connect with God and if what they are doing isn’t helpful, then it’s okay to do something that is. Now, I leave the service as energized as when I came in because I have remained in God’s presence. I am also seeing a change in my relationship with my husband & my children as I’ve freed them from my expectations.

Thank you so much for the teaching you’ve given me. It has truly been life transforming as I’m learning how to walk in freedom while in an institutional system.

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Who Is Jesus’ Family?

In my own time in the Scriptures I am heading back into the life of Jesus, this time through Mark’s eyes. I always enjoy getting back to one of the Gospels and getting another chance to see more of the life, nature and character of Jesus. I am amazed not only by his teachings and miracles, but also by his person and the way he treated people. The other day, I ran across this definition of his family:

Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”

“Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.

Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:31-35

Religion teaches us that we belong to the family by making a confession of faith, saying a sinner’s prayer or observing the right obligations. Jesus says that membership in the family is a reality for those that do God’s will. Now that makes sense! It also explains why attempts at body life with some people can be so difficult.

You can’t experience real fellowship in this family with those who only claim to be followers of Christ, who are not actually following him. They might think they are, but in fact they are only doing what they do to satisfy their guilt or fulfill their spiritual aspirations. Trying to walk in fellowship with people like that is just impossible. It can also be exhausting. I don’t know about you but I find the most exhausting people to be around are those who are pushing some agenda—especially if they think it is for God.

Ultimately real body life isn’t rocket science. It’s the simplest thing in the world. When people come near each other who are looking to live by what Father wants, not what they want, fellowship is immediate, thrilling and life-changing. It’s not some thing we have to work at, but to enjoy. I can get off of airplanes and meet strangers at airports and find myself within a few moments enjoying the reality of Father’s family. That tells me I’ve found people who are seeking to do what God wants.

Yes, I know a religious mindset could pervert this into thinking we have to judge whether or not others are doing God’s will. How would we do that? It is not our place to judge others, but to love whomever God allows to cross our paths. With some that will lead to incredible fellowship. With others it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. I don’t think I’m bright enough to account for the difference, but I do feel free to stop ‘working at’ fellowship. When it’s there, it’s there. When it’s not, no amount of work will change that reality.

And please don’t turn ‘doing God’s will’ into some perfectionist standard that seeks to earn our place in his life. It’s not our performance here that counts, but the desire of our hearts and our willingness to follow. Look at Jesus’ own disciples. They misunderstood a lot, argued with him, and even exhibited some fleshy motives at times. But they were learning to live in the Father’s desires. It doesn’t matter if you’re just at the starting line of that process, or far down the road. If you have a heart for Father’s will and look to follow him each day as best you see him, that is what Jesus is talking about. Those people experience the reality and joy of his family!

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