Emergency Help for Kenya

Students sharing a meal at the Living Loved Children’s Centre in Eldoret, Kenya

I interrupt The Jesus Lens for a special new bulletin: East Africa has been hit with incredible food shortages this spring and our brothers and sisters there are asking for our prayers and our help. I just wanted to put the word out for prayer and if any of you would like to help with donations, that would be awesome as well. Less than 50 percent of the expected rainfall in East Africa came during this year’s long rains from March to May. That resulted in an 80 percent shortfall in crops in East Africa, and now the people are in desperate need of aid. You can read more about it in the Mission Network News.

Last week I received this email from the brother I spent some time with last year in Kenya:

Dear brother in the Lord, we have been so busy in many regions for sharing the loving Gospel to our brothers and sisters. Continue praying for us especially for the orphans in other Centre as well as the widows in the following areas—Mt Elgon, upper and lower Endebes,some parts of Eldoret, Langas as well as Moi’s Bridge and north Pokot and Garsen. We are praying and encouraging our brothers and sisters there to contribute something for this people. The maize and the beans have gone to 4500 Kshs. ($50) for a 90 kgs sack and beans 9000ksh ($25) for 90kg. This is so terrible situation.

So, continue praying for millions of Kenyans affected by hunger and drought. Death is being reported in more villages. So, prayers, medication, food is highly needed to save more life, especially widows, orphan,s and disabled. Even the president and our Prime Minister had declared it as a national disaster. In our church in Forkland and Bungoma North, many who have been affected has run for refugee to our churches. More than fifteen families are staying with us. But locally, IGEM members who have ability are now contributing food to help them. Many families are running to our home churches to get a meal. Those who are more affected are HIV widows and HIV orphans and this situation might be continuing into October, 2011. Death is more reported in many places due to hunger.


Michael, as director of IGEM (International Gospel Equipping Mission) helps facilitate outreaches and equipping for more than 9 million believers throughout East Africa. I have found him to be a man of incredible integrity and immense generosity toward the people God has given him a heart for. He has coordinated our help building the Orphanage in Kitale and his heart is breaking for the immense need in his country. Anything you can give would be of help. As you might imagine, this has also added to the cost of caring for children at the orphanage. They need about $2,800.00 per month to pay the staff and care for the children at the orphanage. We have paid them through June if this year and we’re hoping some others will continue to help here. We committed to provide the first two years of help for the orphanage and they are looking for ways to self-fund that going forward. However, with the needs in their country so overwhelming, that may not be possible then.

For more information on our orphanage there, you can read this earlier blog. If you would like to be part of this to support these brothers and sisters and see the Gospel grow in this part of Africa, please see our Sharing With the World page at Lifestream. You can either donate with a credit card there, or you can mail a check to Lifestream Ministries • 1560-1 Newbury Rd #313 • Newbury Park, CA 91320. Or if you prefer, we can take your donation over the phone at (805) 498-7774.

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The Jesus Lens – First Dialog Session

During our recording sessions, Wayne paused to answer questions from those in attendance. This is some of the dialog that followed our first two sessions. The Jesus Lens: First Dialog Session – What were people thinking after the first two sessions? Here is some of the interaction that followed. If you’d like to add your questions to some of the material you’re hearing in this series, please send them to the Lifestream office through our Contact Page. When we get enough questions, Wayne will interact with them in a future audio podcast. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings atThe Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #2 – Who is God Really?

The second audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #2: The Jesus Lens – The climax of Scripture is found in the person of Jesus and only be reading all of it through his eyes can we understand the revelational flow of Scripture that gently guides us to the reality of who God is. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #1 – The Starting Point

Today we’re beginning to release the audio from my recent recording in Indianapolis about how he engages Scripture in his own personal journey. Culminating forty years of study and devotional reading, The Jesus Lens is designed it help people understand how to read and interpret Scripture as the story of God’s unfolding revelation of himself in the world and resolve the seemingly conflicting passages about who God is and how he is rescuing humanity. The first session is included here. Others will be posted in days to come as they are ready. This will all be available on video when it is complete, both online and in DVD sets that will be available through Lifestream. That will take a few months. Even though this has been a costly process we are making this content available through the web free of charge so that the material will be available worldwide. While we do hope to offset some of those costs through the eventual selling of DVDs, we have also been asked by some if they can contribute to helping make these kinds of material available to others. Of course we would welcome that if you are so inclined. Just use the “Make a Donation” button on our How to Help page. The Jesus Lens #1: The Starting Point – What does it mean that Scripture is inspired by God after the way it was written and assembled? How do I know I can trust Scripture to reveal God’s truth to me?How do people live who are growing in the freedom of relationship instead of the bondage of religion, and what impact do they have on the world? Wayne offers seven attributes that he has seen in people who live this journey. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.

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Does Grace Excuse or Transform?

I received this question in my email box today and thought many others might care about my answer:

What I would like to know from your perspective, is there a clear and growing warp in the teaching on grace that is, overtly or covertly, connotatively or emotively, saying that behavior does not matter? I realize that has been a Gnostic teaching of our history, but I am wondering if it is back in the form of this “free grace” teaching. I believe that if our experience of God’s grace is the real McCoy, our heart, mind, emotional makeup, and behavior will begin a rest-of-our-life change to conform to what we can see in the Man, Jesus. What degree of that progress is by grabbing our own bootstraps and getting going on… that I truly do not know.

My Response: I do not ascribe to any view of grace that suggests our behavior doesn’t matter. As I read Titus 2 a real engagement with grace will “teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” Those who think grace washes out the impact of our failures on ourselves and others have a very shallow relationship with God and no real concept of sin and how it damages humanity and human relationships.

But, yes, I do know some people who claim to embrace grace, even teach it, and live unapologetically in selfishness and duplicity without a concern as to what their actions do to other people. They claim it does not matter since it is all covered by grace and God will ultimately accomplish his will in the world anyway. So, yes, that seems to be a growing conclusion some people are grasping for in their reaction to religious performance and obligation. But no one growing to know God as Father would ever use grace as an excuse to hurt others, tell lies, or pursue the indulgence of their flesh.

The problem stems from people only seeing grace as a theological concept. They try to parse out their beliefs about grace, sin, and repentance, but it all leads to nonsense outside of a growing relationship with Jesus himself. Grace is the portal to engaging him without guilt or shame. But engaging him brings transformation to our lives. Those who teach a theology of grace that does not embrace a relationship become quite destructive in the world. Finding out God is not holding their sin against them seems to negate the only motivation they had for holiness. How sad is that?

My contention is that if they grow to live loved by the Father, they will begin to learn how to love others around them and that will begin to transform their existence in the world. That’s why I do not talk of “unconditional love”, but of “transformational love”. Living loved will transform you. Embracing a theology of grace without a relationship of love will only mess you up. That transformation, however, does not come by human effort (the ol’ bootstraps) seeking to make itself conform to God’s ways. It actually begins when we lose confidence in our own ability to change ourselves and seek his help. And it is a process that comes over time out of a growing relationship with God that first learns to rest in his love, and then to grow in trust for him and the way he works in the world.

No, I don’t know any way to measure that, but I don’t think it takes a long time in being with someone to sort out whether their passion derives from a theology they only espouse, or whether they are truly getting to know the Father of our Lord Jesus. If the latter, then I give them a wide berth. I know transformation takes time and if I push them to conform to some external principle that isn’t rising out of their relationship I am pointing them down the wrong road.

In my view, our bigger problem today is not those who abuse grace, but those who are captive to shame and condemnation, who are trying to do in their own strength what only God can do. That’s why Paul talked about the righteousness that faith (or trust) produces, and the passion he had for that. And in the same breath he is admitting that he has zero confidence in his own flesh to promote that transformation.

I don’t know how to describe that outside of a relationship with Jesus. In him these things make sense and we find a pathway of growing trust that transforms us in his love. Outside of that we are in the ever-constant search for the illusive balance between legalism and licentiousness and I don’t think we’re good enough to define that on our own terms. Those who truly know God as Father will want to be like him and will find themselves in honest dialog with God as that transformation unfolds.

Yes, there are many who teach a grace doctrine that is only an excuse for their unrepentant living. I see that as much a problem as the legalists who think they can engage God through their performance.

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Transition 8: The Transformed Life

Transition 8: The Transformed Life

How do people live who are growing in the freedom of relationship instead of the bondage of religion, and what impact do they have on the world? Wayne offers seven attributes that he has seen in people who live this journey.

For more information on this series you can check the Transition page at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.



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Transition 7: Processing the Journey

Transition 7: Processing the Journey

Transition 7: Processing the Journey – Questions and discussion from the previous sessions as to how we can each live in the reality of Father’s affection for us.

For more information on this series you can check the Transition page at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.


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Transition 6: How God Changes Us

Transition 6: How God Changes Us

Transition 6: How God Changes Us – Living in the reality of his love gives us a new focus that frees us from sin, grows our trust in him and shapes our lives to reflect his glory in the world. For more information on this series you can check the Transition page at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.


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Transition 5: Walking in the Reality of the Cross

Transition 5: Walking in the Reality of the Cross

Transition 5: Walking In the Reality of the Cross – A look at how Jesus translates his incredible work on the cross to the freedom in our own lives of living in relationship with him and his Father. Download the Getting It handout will help you follow some of the dialog here.

For more information on this series you can check the Transition page at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.


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Transition 4: The Cross: Cure, Not Punishment

Transition 4: The Cross: Cure not Punishment

Transition 4: The Cross, Cure Not Punishment – the cross was not the sacrifice God needed to love you, but the cure we needed to live a peace in him. As we look at the cross from God’s perspective, we will see that his work was so much greater than mere punishment of sin could ever achieve.

For more information on this series you can check the Transition page at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings via iTunes.


Visual Version

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