From Malaga, Spain to Rome, Italy

“We finished up our retreat in Malaga on Sunday afternoon with a bit of sharing. If you’d like to see some pictures from our time with a smaller group under a fig tree, you can see it here. This discussion began with a small group of women under a fig tree who wanted to ask more pointed questions about how to help people who have suffered great abuse or pain connect with the reality of a Father’s love they had never known. I reminded them that this is God’s job not ours. We can encourage, we can help share the Truth, but it is God’s to reveal his love, even through periods of great pain. And he does it so well. I encouraged them to ask the people they are helping in turn to ask the Lord to show them his love. This is God’s work, not ours to prove by logical arguments.

As we talked the discussion grew as more people joined in. Eventually we started debriefing from the weekend. They wanted to hear Sara’s story and how God brought her into a new place of freedom. It was wonderful and connected with so many. Then we talked about how each of us can relax more into God’s freedom every day.

As is the case with so many stops I make, it is difficult to leave those God knits our hearts to even over a weekend. On Monday our hosts took us to Gibraltar and some time on the mountain with a group of monkeys. On Tuesday we flew to Rome to meet up with our friends from Switzerland to spend some days in fellowship as we explore the city of Rome. Yesterday we saw the Spanish Steps and the area around Trevi Fountain. This morning we wandered around the Coloseum together and explored the Roman Forum and archeological digs on Palatine.

Tomorrow we are headed to the Vatican. I’m looking forward to it, even though it will bring a number of conflicting emotions to bear. Breathtaking art, amazing architecture from long ago, and all of that provided for by an often-oppressive religious institution that accomplished these things with so-called offerings to God. Tomorrow ought to rock!

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The Jesus Lens #7 – The Gospels, Part II

The seventh audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #7: The Gospels, Part II – Begin in Mark with a quick overview of the life of Jesus then view more of the details in Matthew and John. Finally read Luke to complete the narrative. Read them over and over again until the Jesus of Scripture becomes a real person. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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Our Spanish Saga Continues

Yesterday we drove from Madrid to the south coast near the city of Malaga for a weekend retreat. (The picture at left is from our tour in downtown Madrid.) We are on the Mediterranean Sea, and even got to dip our feet in last night. This morning we had one of those amazing discussions about the cross, and eyes were opening around the room like I rarely witness. People were in tears, and even my translator could hardly contain himself. God just dumped an amazing amount of his grace into the room.

I sat there amazed, knowing that this was a very special moment in some people’s lives and that it had nothing to do with me, but what God wanted to share with some people. When we dismissed at the end not a soul moved. Finally one person said, “We are undone!”

And it was true. I am amazed that God lets me be part of stuff like this. But we have truly been taught an inadequate view of the cross that makes God the angry judge, rather than the loving Abba. Some people love it that way and will fight to the death to preserve what they believe to be an adequate view of God. The cross was not God crushing an innocent victim, but substitutionary atonement in the truest sense. Jesus took our place in the healing of our sin and shame, so that we could draw near to his Father, our Father, without fear and without shame. It is truly the most amazing story.

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The Jesus Lens #6 – Beginning at the End, The Gospels

The sixth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #6: Beginning At the End, The Gospels – Getting to know the Jesus of Scripture through the Gospels is critical to understanding the rest of the Bible. See how he lives, what he says, and how he interacts with others he encounters. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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Arrival in Spain

Sara and I landed safely this morning in Madrid, Spain. This is our first trip here and yet we got off the plane to familiar faces—people we met in the States a little over a year ago. We’ll be gathering with people tonight and tomorrow in Madrid, even though people have come from all over Spain, Portugal, and even France. Oh, yeah, we’ll also be working through jet lag since we only got a couple of hours sleep on the flight in.

Tomorrow we are going to see a bit of downtown Madrid and then Friday morning we will be driving five hours south to Malaga on the south coast. We will be gathering for a weekend Then for the weekend we will be gathering in Malaga on the south coast. If you’d like to join us you can get the details here.

Then next Tuesday we’ll be moving on to Rome, Italy to meet some of our dear friends who will arrive from Switzerland and to sample the sites and sounds of the city, it’s history and nearby Vatican City.

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The Jesus Lens #5 – The Word of God

The fifth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #5: The Word of God – When we started calling the Bible the “Word of God” we unwittingly substituted a book and its principles for a vibrant relationship with the Risen Jesus and following the rules became more important than following him. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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New Lifestream Home Page

I’d like to invite you to visit our new Lifestream home page, which has just been redesigned to give visitors a quick overview of what’s going on in my life. Originally designed to be a welcome page for new visitors, it now includes the most important information coming out of Lifestream. You’ll find a section for the latest Lifestream News, Wayne’s most recent blog, the current podcast at The God Journey, what’s next on Wayne’s travel schedule and quick links to the most visited pages at Lifestream.

You can now bookmark this page as the one to go to to get caught up on what we’re doing around here. Rather than checking multiple pages to get the information you want most, you can now find it all in one place with links to get more detail on those portions that most interest you. We hope it is more convenient and helpful in making available the thoughts and ideas that I am involved in.

And as I prepare to head out for a trip to Europe I am blessed by the comments and interactions I am already getting from those who are listening to the new Jesus Lens series. We are also preparing the videos of this as well. It is an eight-hour, twenty-four part overview as to how to glean the truth from Scripture by reading it through the lens of the revelation of Jesus Christ. We are making it available free of charge both by audio and soon by video as well. Eventually we’ll have CDs for the audio and DVDs for the video available through Lifestream.

Finally, in our corner of the world, tomorrow is Father’s Day and I’m looking forward to sharing some time with my incredible kids and grandkids. I realize this is a mixed-bag in our culture. While most celebrate the joy of fatherhood and their appreciation for the incredible men who loved, taught, and cared for them, it can also pick at the wound of those whose fathers either were absent or abusive. Regardless of how awesome or awful your earthly father might have been, I hope we can all celebrate this one reality, we ALL have a Father that outshines any human father on the planet. He is more loving, more gracious, more real, more fun, and more caring than

Jesus walked with that Father when he was here. And then taught those who were closest to him, it wasn’t just his Father, but our Father. May you know the love and care of that Father with ever-increasing reality and joy!

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The Jesus Lens – Second Dialog Session

During our recording sessions, Wayne paused to answer questions from those in attendance. This is some of the dialog that followed sessions 3-4. The Jesus Lens: Second Dialog Session – Here is some of the interaction that followed Wayne’s teaching. If you’d like to add your questions to some of the material you’re hearing in this series, please send them to the Lifestream office through our Contact Page. When we get enough questions, Wayne will interact with them in a future audio podcast. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings atThe Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #4 – The Jesus Lens

The fourth audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #4: The Jesus Lens – The climax of Scripture is found in the person of Jesus and only be reading all of it through his eyes can we understand the revelational flow of Scripture that gently guides us to the reality of who God is. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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The Jesus Lens #3 – The Story of Redemption

The third audio in our new series about the wonder of Scripture and how to read and interpret it through the revelation of Jesus. The Jesus Lens #3: The Story of Redemption – We can understand the shifting insights of Scripture only as we read it as a progressive revelation of God to people who were thoroughly lost in the darkness and not as a rulebook we must observe. To download Study Notes and Powerpoint Slides, or for more information on this series please go to The Jesus Lens Pages at Lifestream. You can also subscribe to any new audio postings at The Lifestream Podcast at iTunes.

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