Early Reports on A MAN LIKE NO OTHER
Good news! The IN SEASON books arrived today after a virtual comedy of errors by our printer, including the truck breaking down that was supposed to deliver them yesterday. So once again we’re filling backlogged pre-orders. But now we have everything in stock.
I’ve also been getting notes back from people who are already reading A MAN LIKE NO OTHER. It seems to be touching people as deeply as I hoped:
From a lady in Canada:
I received “A Man Like No Other” yesterday and have finished a quick reading of it this evening. What a beautiful portrayal of the love of Father and Jesus both in painting and prose. I was deeply blessed and will be ordering several books as Christmas gifts for friends stuck in a concept of a distant God. I myself am in a growth process out of that stuck space, and I hope to take a few more steps away from that place as I immerse myself in the love portrayed in this book. Thank you to all of you for the work you put into it to bless hearts like mine.
By the way, are you aware that there is a steamy romance novel with the same title selling on Amazon? I don’t know copyright laws for book titles. I hope this doesn’t create problems for you down the road. Having grown up in a vineyard myself, I am eager to receive “In Season” when it becomes available.
Yes, we knew about the steamy romance novel. I hope people don’t order that thinking they’re getting our version, but the two books couldn’t be more different so I doubt anyone will get confused. There are no copyright laws for book titles. People are free to use whatever they want.
And then this came this morning from a woman in Austin:
I started reading A MAN LIKE NO OTHER tonight… and the tears began streaming just a few pages in. I’m gonna move slowly through this one. Just sit with God and take my time. Murry’s artwork is amazing. I feel like I’m there.
That’s what we hoped people would gain from this re-telling of a very familiar story, but one that usually shrouds Jesus’ life with a religious veneer that makes it uninviting for many. We wanted to show him as the personification of God’s love in the world and how he invited others into a similar relationship with his Father. I’m deeply blessed it is touching others in the way we hoped it would.
If you have thoughts about either of these books, it helps tremendously to have people post even brief reviews on Amazon or their own blogs and websites. And if you’d like to interview me on your podcast about either of these books or THE JESUS LENS, I’d be happy to do so as a way to get the word out. Also THE JESUS LENS DVD are now available at Amazon as well. Search in “All Departments.”