Disc 3: Sin and Shame
The disease of sin and shame infects us all and blinds us to God’s reality, must be dealt with if we are going to enter into the relationship of affection Father wants with us.
The disease of sin and shame infects us all and blinds us to God’s reality, must be dealt with if we are going to enter into the relationship of affection Father wants with us.
The Parable of the Incredible Father shows us that there are two ways to run from God-rebellion and religion, and only one way to live in him-in a relationship of affection.
Looking at Jesus’ final words to his disciples in the upper room, we can discover exactly how Jesus wanted us to live out our days in him.
A fresh look at a parable we’ve mislabled, for this is less about two sons than it is about an incredible Father, who loves his two children with a love that almost defies our ability to comprehend it. Listen and see what Father holds in his heart for you and how you can experience his love in all its glory and fullness.
What does it mean to love God as he wants to be loved? Just what is this relationship with him meant to be like and how can you grow in it every day for the rest of your life? Find out how Jesus personified all that was in God’s heart concerning you and the relationship he desires with you.
This is an mp3 download (5.5 MB for 4:48) of a reading from the new Audio Book version of He Loves Me! Click here to download the first part of Chapter 17.
Trying to Earn Points With Someone Who Is No Longer Keeping Score (5 minutes) Read More »
This conversation covers so much of my own journey and writings, my participation in the publication of The Shack, and some of the current challenges in my own life. The organizers of the event, Lives Transforming, video taped the event and have made it available on their website. We are considering making this into a CD so small groups can use it to stimulate their own discussions about their spiritual journey and how these books have touched their lives. We’ll have more on that down the road.
A Conversation with Wayne About THE SHACK (Video – April 2009) Read More »
Wayne and Sara share from their 35 years of marriage and how they’ve found a way to grow closer together through the twists and turns of life and each other’s journey. (Recorded at the Christian Life Center in New London, PA. The audio has some flaws in it, which are in the original master. We apologize for the problems, but knew many people wanted to hear us share this part of our journey.)
This teaching is connected with The Journey part of our website which is designed to help give people sort out what Jesus is doing in them at this season of their lives to draw them closer to himself and transform them more in his image.
I am often asked by people what can they do to live loved. I am becoming increasingly convinced that learning to live loved is not a doctrine to learn or a discipline to follow, but a reality Jesus wants us to relax into. I’m convinced that’s what he was sharing in the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 12. I shared about this in June 2009 at a Because of Jesus convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma and think it can help you if you’re wonder what you must do to live loved.