I am often asked if I know of a retreat or a workshop that will help people find the joy of living loved and connect with the Father, especially for those whose father’s betrayed or abused them in some way. They have never had a flesh and blood example of a loving, trustworthy father in their own lives.
I was just asked that this morning. What I wrote back is something I’d want to say to so many others who struggle with the same thing. They look for a resource to help them find a breakthrough, not even realizing the greatest resource in the world is already in them.
“No, I don’t have any retreats or seminars to recommend to you. To be honest I don’t have much confidence in any formatted ministry to hold what various people might need to make the next step in their lives. God’s Spirit is the best guide I know to help people unlock the broken places in their hearts and free them to know him. So look to him as the primary source of the liberty you seek. See what he leads you to do.
And it may be that he will lead you to one of the best resources God has on the planet—brothers and sisters in whom his life has taken shape. Like “John” in the So You Don’t Want to Go To Church Anymore, they come alongside people who need help with a mixture of questions, encouragement, prayer and love that magnifies God’s reality in the human heart and invites people into freedom. They don’t have a formula to follow here, but are listening with you as the Spirit makes his unique process known that will overturn the darkness in your life and help you learn to trust the Father who will never betray you.
I have no doubt Father has some near you, though you may not even know them yet. Ask God to help you cross the path of one of his “elders” in the family who can help you through this. They will most likely not be a pastor or counselor, but just an older, wiser, brother or sister who enjoy a real walk with God, is at peace in himself or herself, and has a heart to help others who have gotten stuck on their journey.
So true!
father has to direct them. He may use a ministry retreat, seminar or conference setting, but it’s difficult to have a one size fits all. I have one that seems to be helpful to us, but…
Yes…. and I would also encourage brothers and sisters to listen to Wayne’s MP3 “Transitions”. When we come to truly understand what really happened at the cross, we become saturated in the reality of our father’s love…. and Jesus can lead us on and through all our unchartered journey’s….in freedom and peace…..
So true!
father has to direct them. He may use a ministry retreat, seminar or conference setting, but it’s difficult to have a one size fits all. I have one that seems to be helpful to us, but…
Yes…. and I would also encourage brothers and sisters to listen to Wayne’s MP3 “Transitions”. When we come to truly understand what really happened at the cross, we become saturated in the reality of our father’s love…. and Jesus can lead us on and through all our unchartered journey’s….in freedom and peace…..
Wayne, I wonder also in the deep wounding within people if it isn’t much the same as it was when Jesus said to those following him, that is was of the utmost urgency for him to depart, in order for the promise of the Father to become resident in all who would simply receive His forever abiding indwelling!
There’s no doubt about it, having a present Christ living his life out through our flesh is wonderful, but what if that takes a very long time before our paths cross one another? Somehow I have to believe His indwelling is there to do above and beyond what might appear to be but faint, flickering hopes.
It seems that if what has plagued us in our lives has not been immediately attended to, then we’re left to our own devices.
Is He really greater in us then he who is in the world? YES!
Wayne, I wonder also in the deep wounding within people if it isn’t much the same as it was when Jesus said to those following him, that is was of the utmost urgency for him to depart, in order for the promise of the Father to become resident in all who would simply receive His forever abiding indwelling!
There’s no doubt about it, having a present Christ living his life out through our flesh is wonderful, but what if that takes a very long time before our paths cross one another? Somehow I have to believe His indwelling is there to do above and beyond what might appear to be but faint, flickering hopes.
It seems that if what has plagued us in our lives has not been immediately attended to, then we’re left to our own devices.
Is He really greater in us then he who is in the world? YES!
Having been a victim of incest for 5 long years as a child, and then seeing the reality of my denial enable my father to do the same thing to my own child, I had no idea of how I would ever be healed emotionally. I couldn’t afford professional counsel and I didn’t trust leadership within the organized church. My journey took me to a place of total reliance on the Holy Spirit to show me the way out of the darkness and find His peace. It was a profound walk and the realization that His spirit led me through many steps of recovery and growth. He also led me to people within the body who had experienced His freedom from past victimizations. They walked alongside me in my journey for a while. Again I was astounded at the faithfulness of our Jesus to show me the pathway to healing and restoration. As a result of my healing I began reaching out to women who have been victims in childhood. I am again astounded that wherever I go Jesus brings women to me who out of the blue start talking about their past victimizations and I am free to share His amazing healing power that is available to them. I am now a Life Purpose Coach and He brings women for coaching who most often, as we share together, uncovers this travesty in their past. He is so faithful to meet us at the point of our needs.
Having been a victim of incest for 5 long years as a child, and then seeing the reality of my denial enable my father to do the same thing to my own child, I had no idea of how I would ever be healed emotionally. I couldn’t afford professional counsel and I didn’t trust leadership within the organized church. My journey took me to a place of total reliance on the Holy Spirit to show me the way out of the darkness and find His peace. It was a profound walk and the realization that His spirit led me through many steps of recovery and growth. He also led me to people within the body who had experienced His freedom from past victimizations. They walked alongside me in my journey for a while. Again I was astounded at the faithfulness of our Jesus to show me the pathway to healing and restoration. As a result of my healing I began reaching out to women who have been victims in childhood. I am again astounded that wherever I go Jesus brings women to me who out of the blue start talking about their past victimizations and I am free to share His amazing healing power that is available to them. I am now a Life Purpose Coach and He brings women for coaching who most often, as we share together, uncovers this travesty in their past. He is so faithful to meet us at the point of our needs.
A wonderful book on the topic that turned my life around on this issue is Brennen Manning’s Abba’s Child. Through this book the love of my heavenly father moved from my head down to my heart. I highly recommend reading it!
A wonderful book on the topic that turned my life around on this issue is Brennen Manning’s Abba’s Child. Through this book the love of my heavenly father moved from my head down to my heart. I highly recommend reading it!
Charlie and Dixie….after reading your posts they prompted me to post .
I myself have been disapointed in my life also,having never known a loving Father.
I have felt lost inside and I did’nt know this for years until a girlfriend said to me when I was getting married “I hope you have found what it is you have been looking for”.
This came to my mind many times after that . When every relationship I tried to have failed.When I catch myself I try to think of why…why do I fail.
I have prayed for Heavenly Father to lead people to my life to give me a new journey. I am 49 years old my children are grown. I just don’t have money to travel and attend retreats I would like to so that has always caused a problem.
It is time …..I need to find some meaningful purpose in my life.
First I need to finally find Gods Love…………I’d like it to beam right out through my eyes to others and give that Love back in his name.
Charlie and Dixie….after reading your posts they prompted me to post .
I myself have been disapointed in my life also,having never known a loving Father.
I have felt lost inside and I did’nt know this for years until a girlfriend said to me when I was getting married “I hope you have found what it is you have been looking for”.
This came to my mind many times after that . When every relationship I tried to have failed.When I catch myself I try to think of why…why do I fail.
I have prayed for Heavenly Father to lead people to my life to give me a new journey. I am 49 years old my children are grown. I just don’t have money to travel and attend retreats I would like to so that has always caused a problem.
It is time …..I need to find some meaningful purpose in my life.
First I need to finally find Gods Love…………I’d like it to beam right out through my eyes to others and give that Love back in his name.