I’m finishing up today in Lancaster, PA before heading home tomorrow morning and here’s what appeared in my inbox yesterday. My daughter takes the most amazing photos of her children. This is Austin, our newest. He is just over three weeks old and he is really at this stage a pretty laid back baby. Julie is enjoying that.
When I first saw this two words sprang to mind. Rest and trust. Is there anything more adorable than a baby at rest? Last night we talked about the rest God has invited us into, ceasing from our own labors and living in his working (Hebrews 3-4). How do we find that rest, by a growing trust in his love.
Austin has no idea yet of the uncertainties and circumstances that will confront him as life unfolds. Perhaps that’s why it is easier for him to be at ease. But we who do know those uncertainties can also know a Father who is bigger than anything that challenges us. All the uncertainties and all the pain can be swallowed up in him.
This is how I want my spirit to be at rest in the Father’s love today. I can rest in him because I trust his love for me and that nothing in my life is greater than he. As he draws us into that confidence we no longer have to struggle in our own efforts to control our lives, but simply watch and respond to God’s hand as he works in us and around us.
No wonder Paul lost confidence in the capabilities of his own flesh and sought to be found in him with a growing trust in the Father’s nature. That’s were real life, and Father’s rest, are found.
Beautiful child! My wife and I are about receive our third grandchild in July. This is my youngest son’s first.
The message resonates well as I looked at the picture and read your written thoughts. It is not easy, but not impossible either to trust in our loving Father as we hit the many bumps in this journey.I appreciate the tender way you present Father to people. He has gotten such a bad wrap by religion. The tenderness he displays in the scriptures are glossed over while his more austere(our perception) moments are emphasized by religionist. Thanks for sharing.
Amen to that Wayne ! The rest, ok but the trust that’s what I’m looking for. And thank God, Ruben is helping me in that way !
And I wish I was with you as I worked in the Lancaster area, Lebanon, Paradise, Strasburg and of course, Intercourse !!! I was working very to it, so you can imagine the jokes that were going on with my collegues !
Hope you’ll be coming to Vallorbe one time. Do you need an invitation for that ? 😉
i was working very CLOSE to it…
Congratulations for having baby Austin!
Your blog entry reminds me of a song growing up in my home country. It’s called, “Lift Up Your Hands.” See below the lyrics. The melody reminds me of a comforting lullabye.
Life is not all that bad, my friend, hmmm
If you believe in yourself
If you believe there’s Someone
Who walks through life without you
You’ll never be alone
Just learn to reach out,
And open your heart
Lift up hands to God,
And He’ll show you the way.
And He said, “Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest.”
When you feel the world
Is tumblin’ down on you,
And you have no one
That you can hold on to,
Just face the rising sun
And you’ll see hope,
And there’s no need to run
Lift up your hands to God,
And He’ll make you feel all right.
And He said, “Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest.”
Beautiful child! My wife and I are about receive our third grandchild in July. This is my youngest son’s first.
The message resonates well as I looked at the picture and read your written thoughts. It is not easy, but not impossible either to trust in our loving Father as we hit the many bumps in this journey.I appreciate the tender way you present Father to people. He has gotten such a bad wrap by religion. The tenderness he displays in the scriptures are glossed over while his more austere(our perception) moments are emphasized by religionist. Thanks for sharing.
Amen to that Wayne ! The rest, ok but the trust that’s what I’m looking for. And thank God, Ruben is helping me in that way !
And I wish I was with you as I worked in the Lancaster area, Lebanon, Paradise, Strasburg and of course, Intercourse !!! I was working very to it, so you can imagine the jokes that were going on with my collegues !
Hope you’ll be coming to Vallorbe one time. Do you need an invitation for that ? 😉
i was working very CLOSE to it…
So precious he is…I love the blog you wrote too….
and we are learning trust all over again here with the kids and grandkids in the house…our daughter-in-law tends to think that all the plans for the family are having to be made by her and when other things happen she feels un-needed…little by little there are opportunities to share the fact that Father has everything in His hands even when her plans dissolve into nothingness.
It’s been almost a year now with them in our home. It’s been fun watching the grandsons grow. Micah will be 5 at the end of the month and Nate is 3 and a half. We live in a world of semi-controlled chaos. but it’s been a good year…
I’ve been reading about your love for your grandchildren, and am blessed by it. I was dragged into grandparenthood way before I was finished raising my last child and it’s taken me 13 yrs to finally accept the grandma thing…
Congratulations for having baby Austin!
Your blog entry reminds me of a song growing up in my home country. It’s called, “Lift Up Your Hands.” See below the lyrics. The melody reminds me of a comforting lullabye.
Life is not all that bad, my friend, hmmm
If you believe in yourself
If you believe there’s Someone
Who walks through life without you
You’ll never be alone
Just learn to reach out,
And open your heart
Lift up hands to God,
And He’ll show you the way.
And He said, “Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest.”
When you feel the world
Is tumblin’ down on you,
And you have no one
That you can hold on to,
Just face the rising sun
And you’ll see hope,
And there’s no need to run
Lift up your hands to God,
And He’ll make you feel all right.
And He said, “Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest.”
So precious he is…I love the blog you wrote too….
and we are learning trust all over again here with the kids and grandkids in the house…our daughter-in-law tends to think that all the plans for the family are having to be made by her and when other things happen she feels un-needed…little by little there are opportunities to share the fact that Father has everything in His hands even when her plans dissolve into nothingness.
It’s been almost a year now with them in our home. It’s been fun watching the grandsons grow. Micah will be 5 at the end of the month and Nate is 3 and a half. We live in a world of semi-controlled chaos. but it’s been a good year…
I’ve been reading about your love for your grandchildren, and am blessed by it. I was dragged into grandparenthood way before I was finished raising my last child and it’s taken me 13 yrs to finally accept the grandma thing…
Congrats my brother. You have been a blessing to me. GRACE TO YOUR FAMILY.
Congrats my brother. You have been a blessing to me. GRACE TO YOUR FAMILY.
Congrats to the whole family for Austin’s arrival – this photo brings the reality of what Jesus said, “To inherit the kingdom one must become as a little child.” Isn’t it amazing how in the family of God we can learn and be encouraged from all, even from someone as young as Austin.
Congrats to the whole family for Austin’s arrival – this photo brings the reality of what Jesus said, “To inherit the kingdom one must become as a little child.” Isn’t it amazing how in the family of God we can learn and be encouraged from all, even from someone as young as Austin.