So, how are Kyle and Wayne weathering the early days of the new presidential administration and the underlying polarization? After...
The post The Unfolding Redemption Story (#978) first appeared on The God Journey.What Others Are Saying about It’s Time
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Chapter 16: The God-Shaped Life, Part II
Note: This is the sixteenth in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. We have already released the first part of this book in print. Or you can access the previous... Read More
Chapter 15: The God Shaped Life, Part I
Note: This is the fifteenth in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. We have already released the first part of this book in print. Or you can access the previous... Read More
It's Time Part 1 Is Now Available in Book Form
Tomorrow is the official release date for my newest book, but it is already available on Kindle or in print from Amazon. We are still in the process of getting it released by other e-book providers. This book is close to my heart and timely enough to publish the first part while I'm still... Read More
Medical Update and New Book Release
I haven't given you all a medical update in some time; I know because of the emails I get asking what's happening. So, here's what's going on. My back continues to heal from surgery. I began physical therapy last week to help strengthen the muscles around my back. I can't do much athletic stuff... Read More
Chapter 14: By Every Word…
Note: This is the fourteent in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here. If you are... Read More
Chapter 13: Riding the Wind
Note: This is the thirteenth in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here. If you are... Read More
To All the Women I've Known
I grew up in a conservative community, on a grape vineyard in Central California. In life and sports, making jokes at the expense of girls and women was as natural as breathing. We did it on the golf course, the baseball diamond, or when a classmate didn't do well on a quiz. When we... Read More
Chapter 12: Rise and Shine
Note: This is the twelfth in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here. If you are... Read More
Guesting on Another Podcast
First, from the deepest place in our hearts Sara and I want to express our gratitude to all of you this Christmas season. Thank you for your engagements with us over the year and your love and support for Sara's journey through trauma and now mine through a bit of cancer. I tell people... Read More
Chapter 11: Love, Rest, and Play
Note: This is the eleventh in a series of letters written for those living at the end of the age, whenever that comes in the next fifteen years or the next one hundred and fifty years. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here. If you are... Read More
Featured Books: Finding Church and Beyond Sundays
With only a few weeks before the end of 2024, we continue on a guided tour through some of Wayne's books with a couple of his "church books": Finding Church and Beyond Sundays. Two for one! Over the final three weeks of this year, we'll continue to highlight (at least) one book per week,... Read More
For Such a King
This quote popped in my inbox this morning from The Plough, taken from an article by Kelsi Folsom: I am ignited with my own litany of longings: For a king whose miracles aren’t only for those who can afford them. For a king who will shut down hospitals because our healed bodies don’t need... Read More
Featured Book: A Man Like No Other
We continue on a guided tour through some of Wayne's books with one of his more unique books: A Man Like No Other. This is an illustrated life of Jesus, with paintings visualizing moments in the life of Jesus while Wayne, along with his friend, Brad Cummings, tell the stories of those images with... Read More
A Fresh Wave for He Loves Me
While I am sidelined with my recovery from back surgery and some chemo, God seems to be stirring something with my book He Loves Me. In the last week I've had numerous emails about this book. Some people are starting book studies with friends or doing podcasts about it. It's so much in one... Read More
Featured Book: So You Don't Want to go to Church Anymore?
We continue on a guided tour through some of Wayne's books with the book that first introduced me to Wayne Jacobsen. The "Jake Book", as it was then referred to, was released online chapter-by-chapter, and after catching up with what was already released I could not wait for the next one. What Jake was... Read More
I Will Miss You, Tony
Tony Campolo passed away last week, and though I'm a bit late, I want to acknowledge his powerful contribution to Christian thought around the world and to my own life personally. I never had the chance to meet him or hear him speak in person, but decades ago, his books and recordings challenged and... Read More
Featured Book: He Loves Me
As we approach the end of the calendar year we thought it would be good to highlight a few of Wayne's books available here through Lifestream, and we're offering a couple ways to save a little bit, too. Over the next few weeks we'll highlight a couple books per week, and offer bulk discounts... Read More