Even though a woman may want men to be more emotionally vulnerable, most find it terrifying when he does. She...

The post The Vulnerability Paradox (#950) first appeared on The God Journey.

Chapter 7: The Power of Tenderness

Note: This is the seventh in a series of letters written for those who will be living at the end of the age, whenever that comes. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here.  If you are not already subscribed to this blog and want to make sure…


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A Culture of Abuse

I listened to this yesterday and how wish everyone else would too. It isn't easy to listen to, but this presentation by Sheila Wray Gregoire, an author and researcher on sexual abuse offers some critical information for us to understand the culture of abuse that permeates Christianity. According to her research, much of evangelical... Read More

And the Lessons You Will Learn

Not only did we go to some amazing places, talked with a lot of incredible people, but we also learned so much about each other and how God is working in us. Every day is an adventure in the life of Jesus no matter where we are. I love how he shows up in... Read More

The People You Will Meet...

We meet many people in RV Parks who are traveling to National Parks or other points of interest. We've seen some interesting sights, too, including forests, beaches, historic towns, Churchill Downs, and even the new Sphere in Las Vegas. But what governs our travel is the people we meet and the invitations people extend... Read More

Oh, The Places You'll Go...

It's weird setting out on a trip, unsure of where you'll go, how long you'll stay, and when you'll return. This is our third such excursion across the U.S. Each day begins with an early morning walk with our dogs. I take one early for about two miles, and Sara joins me for the... Read More

The Last Leg of a Beautiful Trip

As Sara and I turn toward home, our hearts are filled with joy from this time together, and the countless conversations we've had with people from all over the U.S. We even had people fly in or drive great distances to be with us for some of our gatherings. There were also many spontaneous... Read More

Chapter 6: Following the Lamb

Note: This is the sixth in a series of letters written for those who are alive in Jesus at the end of the age. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can access the previous chapters here.  If you are not already subscribed to this blog and want to make sure you... Read More

Seeing God as He Really Is

Some in the religious establishment have so disfigured God that people see him as a demanding tyrant who orchestrates horrible tragedies to punish or train them. They don't know God as a loving Father or Jesus as a gracious Redeemer who is not manipulating the chaos of darkness to torment them into obedience; Father... Read More

Holding on to Love

Sara and I are making a big turn up the east coast this week and begin our journey westward on Monday, with stops in Lexington and Louisville this weekend. From there, it looks like we're going to go through St. Louis and Kansas City to visit our son in Denver.  If you're along that... Read More

A Day of Rich Celebration

We woke up today in Richmond, VA after a beautiful two days in Charlottesville, VA, with long-time friends, the kind of people you just enjoy hanging out with. We also woke up today celebrating forty-nine years as a married couple, and we will be having lunch today with the man who officiated at that... Read More

Help Desperately Needed in Kenya

I don't have time for long explanations with our current travel schedule, but our friends in Kenya once again find themselves in dire straits. For those who don't know, a few years back we helped rescue over 200,000 people in Pokot who were dying from a drought and had no fresh water. We not... Read More

Sara's Story of Hope and Healing

Sara and I are in Charlotte, NC. The first day we got here, Vince Coakley asked me to be on his radio show. He hosts a Transformation Tuesday segment, and wanted us to share our story. Unfortunately, Sara had a conflicting appointment, so I went to the studio alone. We had a great conversation.... Read More

Chapter 5: The Tender Call

Note: This is the fifth in a series of letters written for the Bride of Christ who are alive at the end of the age. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can start with Chapter 1 here. If you are not already subscribed to this blog and want to make sure... Read More

The Deepest Love in the Darkest Place

It doesn't matter how dark it is around you, how alone you feel, or how lost you think you are, God's love is able to find you.  I have experienced the deepest expressions of his love in the darkest places I've ever endured. In our worst moments, he is there, maybe not in ways... Read More

Good News for Zoey

Many of you were touched by the blog yesterday, and have written to express your love and prayers for us and for Zoey. Thank you. (That's her above a few days before she tore her ACL.) I hate posting another blog so soon, but so many of you did not see the update I... Read More

Stranded in Pensacola (*Updated)

And yes, I realize there are worse places to be stranded. One of the dangers of an RV trip is the number of things that can go wrong that can alter the best-laid plans. Unfortunately our big, lovely dog, Zoey, tore her ACL romping on the beach with our new puppy last weekend here... Read More

Chapter 4: Who Are You to Write This?

Note: This is the fourth in a series of letters written for the Bride of Christ who are alive at the end of the age. Once complete, I’ll combine them into a book. You can start with Chapter 1 here. If you are not already subscribed to this blog and want to make sure... Read More

Better Explored than Explained

No, I've not become a rapper!  That photo was taken Saturday morning in a conversation where I was trying to shield myself from the sun. But, I can wear that look! Yesterday, Sara and I left the Austin area to continue our journey to the east. We've added new stops in Pensacola, Atlanta, Jekyll... Read More